Data & Maps Archive
The information on this page is provided for reference purposes only. It may be out-of-date or may have been superseded by other planning work conducted by the NJTPA or its subregions. Please contact the NJTPA for any questions regarding use of archived information.
2017 Forecasts (2045 horizon year)
2013 Forecasts (2040 horizon year)
2009 Forecasts (2035 horizon year)
2004/05 Forecasts (2030 horizon year)
1997/98 Regional Travel-Household Interview Survey
Press Release on Survey Results
Media Brief of Survey Results
Travel in the NY-NJ Metro Area: A Summary of Results from the 1997/98 Regional Travel-Household Interview Survey (1.1M) describes the RT-HIS results for a general audience.
Executive Summary (350K) and
General Final Report (1.3M) describes the planning, implementation, and initial results of the RT-HIS, including selected measures of metro area, regional, and smaller scale travel patterns.
Comparative Analysis: Weekday & Weekend (450K) contains special analyses of weekend travel based on a small sample of RT-HIS households in New Jersey, supplemented by the 1995 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey.
Compendium of Results (1.4M) (reflects 2003 Reweighting) contains tabulated results describing detailed travel behavior for the entire metro area, MPO regions and individual counties.
Updated Weighting and Expansion Factors - 2003 Final Report (840k) describes the methodology that went into the re-weighting, and lists the updated weighting factors.
Methods and Implementation (1.0M) detailed survey methods, interviewing outcomes, response rates and notable events, including applicability of RT-HIS for travel model development.
User's Guide (600K) describes proper use of the RT-HIS data set, including methodology, data weighting and assessment
Land Use Model (Small Area Land Use Impact Tool—SALUIT)
Historical Development of the North Jersey Regional Transportation Model (NJRTM)