Performance-Based Planning at NJTPA

The NJTPA uses “performance based planning” to select appropriate investments that best respond to ourregion’s most critical transportation challenges and needs. To do so, the NJTPA analyzes data to assess the performance of the transportation system and its component parts. It also performs detailed studies and computer simulations to better understand where and how people move throughout the region and estimate future travel demand. Outreach to residents, businesses and local elected and community officials helps ensure performance assessments reflect local preferences and needs.
Building on prior performance measure work, the NJTPA is addressing federal requirements in the MAP-21 transportation law for the development of regional performance targets and system performance reports. MAP-21 requires MPOs, in collaboration with the state DOT and transit agencies, to formally establish regional performance measure targets aligned with seven identified national goals (Safety; Infrastructure Condition; Congestion Reduction; System Reliability; Freight Movement and Economic Vitality; Environmental Sustainability; Reduced Project Delivery Delays). NJTPA has prepared a
summary of the national (MAP-21) performance measures, requirements, and timeline.
A range of performance measures of accessibility to and from different types of places support assessments of location-specific needs. These measures have been analyzed in relation to places throughout the region, places that serve as the origins and destinations of travel for people and goods:
Roadway Accessibility: Performance measures associated with roadway travel such as excess routine travel delay, likelihood of unexpected delays, hotspot delay or time spent in extreme congestion
Public Transit and Shared Ride Use: Performance measures associated with emphasis on availability of alternate travel modes, providing travel options and reducing the need for automobile trips
Walking and Biking: Performance measures associated with making walking and bicycle share to supplant shorter automobile trips and promote health and add liveliness of streets and community character
Goods Movement: Performance measures associated with efficient and reliable movement of freight in and through the NJTPA region
The NJTPA’s performance assessments are integral to the NJTPA’s federally required
Congestion Management Process (CMP), which systematically investigates the region’s complex travel patterns and looking toward suitable approaches for improving the transportation system’s convenience and reliability. This process takes into account that transportation needs and performance vary around the region based on land use and other characteristics.
The CMP is guided by adopted NJTPA policy – especially the
Regional Capital Investment Strategy (RCIS) and other elements of the Regional Transportation Plan – and through substantial review by NJTPA member and partner agencies. National, state and local priorities are fully incorporated as conveyed through federal CMP requirements, directions set by the NJDOT Long Range Transportation Plan and the State Development and Redevelopment Plan, preservation needs identified by the Highlands, Pinelands, and Meadowlands agencies, and continual subregional input into the metropolitan process.
Other NJTPA activities related to performance based planning include the following:
Project Performance Results study - To better understand the benefits produced by investments overall in the transportation system, the NJTPA in 2012 concluded a Project Performance Results study. The study developed a methodology for assessing implemented transportation projects, including various roadway, public transit, pedestrian/bicycle, freight and other types of improvements. A guidebook produced in the study helps planners and decision makers learn more about how projects can help the traveling public and serve the region’s communities.
PRIME - This is a query-based relational database system designed to improve the management, tracking, analysis, presentation and advancement of planning study findings and recommendations. More information on PRIME will be available shortly.