The NJTPA is looking to better involve the region's residents in its programs, projects and plans. A new draft Public Engagement Plan (PEP) outlines the agency’s goals for public engagement and identifies specific techniques and opportunities for ongoing interaction with the public. The draft plan, available at, is undergoing a formal public comment period through November 2, 2018.
Public comments can be submitted to [email protected]. A public meeting on the draft PEP will be held on Thursday October 11, 2018 from 5 to 7 p.m. (with a short presentation at 6:00 p.m.) at NJTPA offices in Newark.
The PEP is the latest update of the NJTPA's public participation plans. It’s the product of extensive research into public participation best practices, as well as the agency's first-hand experience from its own innovative and award-winning outreach efforts for Plan 2045: Connecting North Jersey.
Some new opportunities for engagement in the plan include: the proposed establishment of a Public Engagement Advisory Committee; the establishment of a young adult advisory committee; strategies to better include under-represented populations in decision-making; and guidance for developing future public participation plans for NJTPA-sponsored programs and projects.