A study undertaken by NJ TRANSIT in partnership with NJTPA investigated how to improve bicycle and pedestrian access to transit stations. The study final report has just been posted on the NJTPA website.
The study examined barriers to access and safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and people with disabilities at a bus station in Irvington, Essex County; and rail stations in Madison, Morris County; Red Bank, Monmouth County; Rutherford, Bergen County; Summit, Union County; and Woodbridge, Middlesex County.
In each community, the study team conducted research and data analysis and gathered input from meetings of a technical advisory committee, discussions with municipal officials, site visits and field observations and public information sessions. The final report includes separate sections on each municipality.
The design concepts recommended by the study focused on low-cost solutions such as crosswalk designs, curb ramps, on-street bicycle accommodations, bicycle parking, curb extensions, intersection markings, lighting and Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons, signs with flashing lights, which pedestrians can activate by pushing a button, to alert drivers before crossing.
The study said many of these concepts could be deployed as “tactical urbanism” projects, which are design changes implemented to street environments in a “light, quick, cheap,” and temporary manner. By showing roadway users – pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers – the design changes in real space, this approach provides an opportunity to build significant community support before making large investments in infrastructure.
NJ Transit issued a statement saying that the study “is a demonstration of NJ TRANSIT’s commitment to safe and accessible transportation…NJ TRANSIT would like to thank the NJTPA and the six host communities that participated in this study.” NJ TRANSIT also noted that the study was a pilot effort that could eventually lead to similar work being done at other transit sites.
[September 10, 2018]