June 2019
Posted: 6/28/2019 1:47:21 PM
You’re viewing NJTPA’s newly updated website! It meets the latest in technology standards for websites, including now being “responsive”—that is, easily viewable on mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. It also fully meets federal requirements for accessibility.
It is built on the Kentico Content Management System and was created with expert help from our web consultant, Weblications of Princeton, New Jersey.
Have a look around. Tell us what you think. Give ideas for additional features.
Posted: 6/21/2019 11:16:21 AM
The NJTPA has developed a web tool to help communities address issues involving goods movement by trucks. The NJTPA region relies on vehicles of all sizes to deliver goods to our many communities, whether that’s large trucks delivering food to local grocery stores or smaller delivery vans bringing packages directly to residents' homes.
About 508 million tons of goods move through the NJTPA’s 13-county region, predominately by truck, each year.
The Goods Movement Strategies for Communities tool was designed by NJTPA staff to help communities that have identified issues related to trucks find strategies that address their concerns. The database includes strategies on last mile delivery parking management; parking and rest stop management; traffic management and access control; freight demand management; road infrastructure improvement; modal optimization; land use and zoning; freight facility consolidation centers; environmental concerns; and safety improvements.
The tool is designed to help foster conversation about goods movement. Users can include local officials, developers, transportation providers and property owners.
In the future, the NJTPA hopes to expand the tool to include strategies for rail freight.
To learn more about the tool visit https://goodsmovement.njtpa.org.
[June 18, 2019]
Posted: 6/6/2019 1:18:26 PM
Efforts of three communities to revitalize areas to better connect their businesses, public spaces, neighborhoods and public transportation resources were highlighted at a June 6 Together North Jersey (TNJ) Transit Hub workshop at NJTPA.
The workshop marked the release of a Guidebook for Developing Transit Hub Strategic Plans developed by the TNJ Efficient Task Force, the NJTPA and Rutgers University’s Voorhees Transportation Center. The guidebook is available for download on the TNJ website.
The workshop showcased the work of the 2018 Transit Hub Pilot Program, which created strategic plans for the City of Passaic, Bloomfield Township, and the Borough of Dunellen in northern New Jersey. These plans were developed by the TNJ Efficient Task Force and volunteers from the Community Planning Assistance Program of the New Jersey Chapter of the American Planning Association.
Among other speakers at the workshop were Carlos Rodrigues who spoke about the pilot effort in Dunellen; Nadia Mian who spoke about the pilot at the Watsessing Avenue Station, Bloomfield; and Paul Drake who spoke about the pilot in Passaic.
[June 6, 2019]