Morris County Freeholder Kathryn A. DeFillippo was elected to a two-year term as Chair of the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) at the Jan. 13 Board of Trustees meeting.
“I am honored that my fellow Board members have entrusted me to serve as chair of the NJTPA,” Freeholder DeFillippo said. “This is a critical time for transportation in North Jersey as we continue to make the case for new rail tunnels under the Hudson River and plan for emerging technologies that can improve mobility. I look forward to working with the Board, our many partners and NJTPA staff to improve transportation and quality of life for our region’s residents.”
The NJTPA oversees regional transportation planning and annually authorizes more than $1 billion in federal surface transportation funding for 13 counties in northern and central New Jersey.
Chairwoman DeFillippo also recognized outgoing chairman Angel Estrada, a Union County freeholder.
“Freeholder Estrada was a dedicated leader who helped this board accomplish many things during his term,” Chairwoman DeFillippo said. “He has been a strong advocate for enhancing equity, improving mobility and strengthening the economy. I thank him for his leadership and look forward to our continued work on the Board.”
Freeholder DeFillippo joined the NJTPA Board in 2014. She was first elected as a member of the Board’s Executive Committee in 2016, serving two years as Board Secretary. In 2018 she was appointed to a two-year term as Third Vice-Chair. She most recently served as Chair of the NJTPA’s Project Prioritization Committee and is a past Chair of the Freight Initiatives Committee.
Chairwoman DeFillippo was first elected to the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders in 2013. Prior to being elected freeholder, she was a councilwoman in Roxbury Township from 2006 to 2013, serving as mayor in 2009 and deputy mayor in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
She has a long history of public and community service. She is a past president of the Roxbury Area Chamber of Commerce and retired in 2016 from the board of the NJ Metro Chapter of the National MS Society (NMSS) after serving as a trustee for 10 years. Still an active member of NMSS, she was a driving force in bringing the Walk MS to Roxbury in 2006 and continues to serve as a fundraiser for the event.
NJTPA Board of Trustees Executive Committee
At the meeting, the NJTPA Board also selected four other members of its Executive Committee. In addition to Freeholder DeFillippo, the elected members of the Executive Committee are: Passaic County Freeholder John Bartlett, First Vice-Chair; Ocean County Freeholder John P. Kelly, Second Vice-Chair; and Warren County Freeholder Jason Sarnoski, Secretary. In accordance with the bylaws, Chairwoman DeFillippo appointed Middlesex County Freeholder Charles Kenny to the position of Third Vice-Chair.
The Executive Committee provides guidance and leadership to the full Board on a wide range of planning, policy and administrative issues. It meets as needed to review financial, personnel and policy matters. Board membership is an uncompensated position.