The Henry Hudson Trail cuts across the intersection of Maple Place at Church and Atlantic streets in Keyport, sometimes creating challenging navigation for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. But with the help of some temporary paint and plastic bollards, the Borough was able to demonstrate what potential improvements, including a bicycle lane, designated pedestrian space and additional crosswalk, could do to make the area safer for all travelers.
The week-long temporary demonstration project was one component of extensive public outreach for Keyport’s Complete Streets Policy and Implementation Plan. The plan was recently completed though the NJTPA’s Planning for Emerging Centers Program. The competitive program provides technical assistance to communities to create more sustainable, transit-supportive and walkable communities.
Complete streets are roads designed for users of all ability levels and all travel modes. They balance the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, transit riders, emergency responders and goods movement. Several documents were created as part of the study, including an ordinance that would add complete streets implementation to Keyport's municipal code, as well as design and implementation guides. The Complete Streets Design Guide identifies priority locations and recommends improvements. It also identifies priority pedestrian and bicycle networks and areas to incorporate green stormwater management, which could help mitigate flooding.
The Implementation Guide supports the complete streets ordinance and design guide. It presents best practices for implementing complete streets projects and encourages community involvement. The guide provides criteria for prioritizing projects and identifies potential funding sources.
In addition, a Quick Build Guide was developed to assist Keyport in identifying additional opportunities for temporary demonstration projects, which could help the Borough build community support and test out potential improvements before making more permanent changes. Visit the Keyport Complete Streets Policy and Implementation Plan webpage to learn more about the study and view the documents.