We’re accepting applications for our Fiscal Year 2022 Planning for Emerging Centers Program! The deadline to apply is May 16 at 4 pm.
This competitive program provides free technical assistance to help a municipality or group of municipalities with planning studies that advance sustainable transportation and land use planning. This can include planning for development around a transit station, integrated land use/mobility or complete streets implementation. Complete streets are roads designed for users of all ability levels and all travel modes. They balance the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, transit riders, emergency responders and goods movement.
Municipalities are required to dedicate in-kind staff time for public and stakeholder outreach, project management, data collection, supplies related to demonstration projects (if applicable), and other tasks as necessary for successful completion of projects. This staff time commitment should be reflected in proposals. No financial match is required.
Past efforts completed through this program include:
Borough of Raritan Sustainable Economic Development Plan: This project resulted in the creation of the Downtown Raritan Vision Plan and an Implementation Toolbox. The Plan is a 10-year economic, land-use and multi-modal vision for Downtown Raritan. The Implementation Toolbox will help guide the Borough and partners in implementing the Vision Plan.
Borough of Keyport Complete Streets and Implementation Plan: This study created a complete streets ordinance, which upon adoption would prioritize implementing complete streets in all design, planning, construction and maintenance projects. This project also created a Complete Streets Design Guide and Complete Streets Implementation Guide to help identify priority locations and potential improvements.
Town of Boonton Transit Village Initiative Planning: The Town of Boonton sought technical assistance to undertake planning efforts that would sharpen its focus on achieving Transit Village designation by NJDOT for the area surrounding the Boonton train station.
Click here for more information about the FY 2022 Planning for Emerging Centers Program solicitation.