Eight counties in the NJTPA region are seeking public input to help them develop Local Safety Action Plans.
These plans help county and local governments identify and prioritize safety improvements to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes. Developing these plans requires a diverse set of participants working together to match local needs with solutions to reduce these crashes, with the ultimate goal being zero. Public involvement plays a critical role in creating these plans.
Public events are being planned, and the NJTPA recently launched a
survey and
interactive map to gather input online.
The NJTPA is working with Bergen, Hunterdon, Morris, Ocean, Somerset, Sussex, Passaic and Warren counties to develop plans. Essex, Hudson, Monmouth and Union counties received federal Safe Streets and Roads for All grants to create their own plans and Middlesex County already has one in place. Once this effort is completed, every county in the NJTPA region will have a
Local Safety Action Plan, enabling the counties and municipalities in the region to seek federal funding to implement recommended safety improvements.
The planning process relies on input from residents and technical experts to match local needs with solutions that will reduce and eliminate serious injuries and fatalities. There will be several opportunities for public and stakeholder feedback to help guide the creation of this plan, including virtual and in-person events.
To learn more and stay up to date about ways to contribute to the plan, visit the project website at