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Somerset County Circulation Plan Recommends Complete Streets Policies, Priority Projects and More

Somerset County’s updated circulation plan, Keep Somerset Moving: Transportation Plan 2045 was approved by the county Planning Board October 15, 2024. Developed through the NJTPA Subregional Studies Program, the plan seeks to improve mobility and travel in the county and provides a process for identifying and selecting priority transportation improvements.

The plan was based on an “inclusive and collaborative community and stakeholder engagement effort.” This included a dedicated website; social media posts; virtual focus groups and open houses; a survey and interactive mapping tool; and participation in community events. In all, there were over 1,000 survey responses and other engagements with the public to gather input on the plan.

The plan identifies safety as the highest priority for roadway planning with a particular focus on improving safety and conditions in minority and low-income communities. It also recognizes the need to locate affordable housing units in areas with safe and accessible multimodal transportation options.

Among the key recommendations of the plan:

  • Forty-two roadway and bridge projects consisting of seven roadway corridors, one intersection, two highway interchanges, and 32 bridge projects.
  • Continue to implement a comprehensive project development process structured to develop multimodal projects that address a diversity of needs and achieve multiple plan goals.
  • Review and update the County Complete Streets Policy based on Complete + Green Streets guidance.
  • Support attainment of 100 percent Complete Streets Policy adoption by the municipalities.
  • Work with the municipal partners to review and update their municipal circulation elements and assure compatibility with land use, housing, and affordable housing elements.
  • Ensuring access and connectivity to safe multimodal systems and consistency with the County Investment Framework and sewer service area are key factors when selecting sites for affordable housing projects.
  • Strengthen the connections between land use and transportation planning through innovative zoning, access management, redevelopment, and other methods at the municipal level.
  • Support the NJTPA’s effort to prepare Safety Action Plans.
  • Take a lead role in the advancement of electric vehicles and connected and automated vehicle implementation strategies.
  • Implement the recommendations Walk/Bike/ Hike Study along with the regional trail projects from the County Preservation Master Plan.
  • Initiate targeted planning studies include on key roadways and transit systems.

The approved plan is available on the NJTPA website.


Posted: 11/26/2024 1:03:14 PM by dveech | with 0 comments