Complete Streets Demonstration Library
Many communities across the country have been implementing flexible, temporary street designs that help implement Complete Streets. These demonstration projects (sometimes called tactical urbanism or pop-ups) allow communities to try out bicycle lanes, corner “bump outs,” pedestrian plazas, parklets in place of on-street parking spaces, and other safety, placemaking and traffic calming features. Since these temporary interventions take place within the street, they require demarcation with paint, signage, movable bollards, movable curbs, and other traffic control devices. They may also include the use of street furniture like benches and planters.
The North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), in partnership with Hudson Transportation Management Association (Hudson TMA), created a Compete Streets Demonstration Library to support the broader use of tactical urbanism. We assembled a collection of delineator posts, barricades, traffic signs, paints, stencils, barriers, traffic cones, and other materials available for loan to communities who want to implement a temporary demonstration.
The purpose of the program is to support and encourage greater use of the temporary demonstration project approach. The temporary nature of the projects enables communities to evaluate the impact on street performance and safety, to educate residents about safer street designs, and to collect feedback.
Eligible Applicants
- New Jersey municipalities and counties are eligible to participate in the program.
- The point of contact must be an official or employee of the government entity with jurisdiction over the project.
- Demonstration projects may be coordinated with and supported by partners such as a community organization (municipal advisory committee, chamber of commerce, nonprofit organization, or religious institution), TMAs, other government entities, or planning/engineering consultants.
- As a program located within the state TMA Program, the TMAs are key partners. Applications should be sent to the NJTPA with a Cc: to the TMA for your area.
Project Types
A wide variety of project types can be carried out using temporary materials. Projects can vary widely in size and duration, from a one-day parklet in a single parking stall to a multi-block bike lane lasting several months. Some common examples include:

How to Apply
Interested applicants should complete a Request Form and submit it by email to the NJTPA at [email protected] and the TMA contact for their area (indicated on the request form).
Technical Assistance
The program provides materials only. Recipients are responsible for preparing a design that complies with relevant design guidelines and standards and that meet the approval of the municipality or private property owner with jurisdiction over the project location.
Assistance and ideas may be available from the following sources:
Expo: Experimental Pop-ups – For communities in the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission region, the Expo program offers a variety of technical assistance to selected communities with specific, attainable, near-term projects that promote livability and complete streets;
Transportation Management Associations – Publicly funded organizations that provide a variety of programs and services to help commuters and community member get where they need to go safely on transit and by walking and biking, the TMA for your area may be able to assist in planning a demonstration; or
Recommendations in a pedestrian and bicycle master plan, Safe Routes to School Travel Plan, walkability or bikeability audit, Complete Streets Technical Assistance program report, or other planning study.
Design Guidance
The following publications contain guidance on designing and implementing a temporary project:
Demonstration Project Library Video
Contact Information
[email protected]