Congestion Management Planning > Regional Programs > Congestion Management > Accessibility and Mobility Strategy Synthesis Print Accessibility and Mobility Strategy Synthesis In 2021, the NJTPA completed its update of the Congestion Management Process (CMP) to better characterize and communicate system performance regarding accessibility and mobility, and to support decision making about practical strategies to implement. The Accessibility and Mobility Strategy Synthesis study is a key component of the CMP and involved both analysis of system performance data and stakeholder input on locally identified needs. Recognizing the diversity of the region, from large cities to rural areas, the types of transportation challenges and needs vary across the region and call for different types of strategies. Through this study, the NJTPA identified a set of needs related to both regional mobility and local accessibility and explored equity-related needs. The resulting products include a list of strategies that local, regional, and state agencies and other partners can implement to address needs, along with possible locations to consider. The Accessibility and Mobility Strategy Synthesis Summary Report summarizes findings and the CMP Strategy Profiles companion document provides a resource for partner agencies to support strategy implementation. The NJTPA developed the content of all reports in collaboration with a CMP Working Group, composed of representatives of local governments and transportation agencies across the region. Additionally, a Transportation Equity Survey was circulated to the working group and various community groups to gather insight regarding regional transportation equity issues. A series of technical reports provide more detailed information related to each step of the study process : Establish Objectives and Performance Measures Identify Needs Conduct Equity Assessment Identify and Prioritize Strategies For more information contact: Eugene McGuinness [email protected]