Accessibility and Mobility Strategy Synthesis Planning > Regional Programs > Congestion Management > Accessibility and Mobility Strategy Synthesis > 4-Identify and Prioritize Strategies Print 4-Identify and Prioritize Strategies Strategies represent potentially beneficial actions in appropriate locations that the NJTPA might advance through the Long Range Transportation Plan, Plan 2050: People, Transportation, Opportunity, through follow-up studies, by funding projects or programs in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), in other ongoing programs, or by encouraging and coordinating with partner agency implementers. The Strategy Identification and Prioritization report identifies a menu of possible strategies organized under eight categories. The document describes recommended steps for prioritizing strategies and matching needs to strategies. It includes a matrix to help partner organizations identify possible strategies to address specific types of needs. The report also identifies potential locations to consider for specific strategies (including transit priority/transit-supportive roads/managed lanes, first-mile/last-mile connections, expand/enhance bus services, complete streets and pedestrian and bicycle improvements, and roadway operations/geometric improvements), based on an analysis of performance data and system characteristics. It also describes strategy implementation considerations. The CMP Strategy Profiles companion document provides a resource for partner agencies to support strategy implementation. Each strategy profile includes information on: needs addressed by the strategy; specific tactics or applications of the strategy; assessment factors to consider; benefits in relation to regional objectives; costs, qualitatively assessed; equity considerations; and organizations that are responsible or typically play a role in implementation. Each profile also includes information on locations to consider and related projects.