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Strategy Evaluation Study

    The NJTPA Strategy Evaluation is conducted periodically to assess how well the region’s transportation meets residents’ needs. The study also generates recommendations for specific strategies and programs to benefit particular areas. The NJTPA long-range transportation plan, Plan 2045, reflects the results of the Strategy Evaluation. The Strategy Evaluation also addresses the federal requirements for the NJTPA to maintain a Congestion Management Process.

    Strategy Refinement builds upon the work done in Strategy Evaluation. The Strategy Refinement is identifying about 30 project concepts that can be further developed by implementing agencies, ultimately intended to create and fund projects to improve public transit, roadway, freight and ridesharing in the region (link at right).

    Study Process

    The Strategy Evaluation process takes a “place-based” approach, finding solutions that are appropriate for prevailing land uses and activities in particular places, ranging from the urban core to exurban and rural areas.

    The process first identifies transportation needs throughout the region based on a vision of future development. This vision considers preferred future growth patterns for areas and how transportation can serve them. Data and performance measures are used to gauge accessibility (how readily people and goods can reach desired destinations) and aspects of mobility, congestion, and reliability on roads, public transit, and other modes of travel. This search for the most effective and affordable transportation investments requires consideration of land use, economic, environmental, and social impacts. (See related document to the right.)

    The NJTPA worked closely with its subregional and agency partners and stakeholder, interest groups and the general public to ensure that the identified needs and proposed strategies address real regional priorities. Beyond identifying transportation needs in the NJTPA region, Strategy Evaluation delineated areas where certain types of transportation improvements might be appropriate. The types of improvements (referred to as “strategies”) were grouped into four general categories: Ridesharing and Transit Support; Public Transit Enhancement; Roadway Improvements; and Freight Movement. Within each of those Strategy Groups, more specific strategies were identified, for example, highway operational improvements, local buses, rail freight projects, and park and ride lots. The findings of this work are incorporated in Chapter 4 of Plan 2035 and related technical material is summarized in Appendix C of the plan.