2019 Planning > Regional Programs > Studies > Completed Studies > 2019 > Regional Performance Measures Print Regional Performance Measures The NJTPA worked with its partners to establish regional performance measures that help planners and decision-makers in Northern New Jersey create more effective transportation plans and programs. This effort derives from the federal government’s mandate to State DOTs and MPOs to implement performance-based planning. The Regional Performance Measures project developed collaborative standardized performance measures and reporting for northern New Jersey’s transportation system. Performance areas include access and mobiliy, safety, travel time reliability, economic competitiveness, resiliency, environment, community, and pavement and bridge asset condition, along with the overall economy and land use, and healthy living. Regional performance measures include not only the required federal (MAP-21/FAST Act) performance measures, but additional supplemental measures that will help us “tell the story” of how effectively transportation is and should be serving the NJTPA region. Work on adapting performance measures relied on input from the NJTPA’s members and planning partners to ensure consistent and appropriate choices. The project information can now be found on NJTPA's website. See the related link.