The NJTPA developed a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and Mobility Plan that identifies regional policies and strategies that will increase traveler choices while also minimizing the negative impacts of single-occupant vehicle travel on congestion, air quality, and safety.
The plan builds on the groundwork of existing TDM initiatives and the planning goals identified in the region’s long-range transportation plan, Plan 2045: Connecting North Jersey, as well as the comprehensive plan for sustainable development, Together North Jersey. The plan also addresses the goals of the Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan to improve mobility for elderly and disadvantaged populations, as well as NJTPA’s performance measurement framework.
The study team, led by the NJTPA and a consultant, established a technical advisory committee (TAC) comprised of TDM practitioners, planners, and policy makers across the region to provide strategic direction and input on the plan. Initial research into best practices and a regional travel trends analysis informed the selection of strategies that address air quality, access and mobility, and safety goals. The team and TAC selected six priority strategies for the development of implementation briefs that provide detailed approaches, implementation partners and roles, funding considerations, performance measures, and next steps. A final report summarizes the findings of the background research, travel trends analysis, TDM and mobility strategies development, and implementation briefs.
The study was completed in June 2021.
Implementation Briefs: The study team developed implementation briefs for the six priority TDM and Mobility Strategies listed below.
- Institutionalize Complete Streets
- Local Land Use Transportation Policy
- Support for Telework and Teleservices
- Mobility on Demand
- First/Last Mile Solutions
- Evaluate Rideshare Matching Service Options
For more information contact: Peter Bilton [email protected]