2019-2020 Planning > Subregional Programs > Subregional Studies > Completed Studies > 2019-2020 > City of Jersey City Parking Management Plan Print City of Jersey City Parking Management Plan The goal of this study was to optimize the use of current parking supply and identify parking management strategies to inform zoning and policy regulations for future development. The primary objective of this study was to create a citywide parking inventory to assess current parking supply (surplus or deficit) and demand (met or latent). The parking inventory catalogged the existing supply of on and off-street, public and private parking (and categorized whether constructed, under construction, approved, or proposed along with characteristics such as occupancy rate, pricing, and use restrictions based on the latest development information. The inventory also assessed current residential parking zone objectives and regulations and offers recommendations for improvement. This study aligns with the goals in the Circulation Element of the City’s Master Plan to limit land dedicated to parking uses near transit stations and to encourage the use of public transit and active modes of transportation throughout the City. The study also considered impacts of ride-sharing, ride-hailing, and autonomous vehicles on the City’s transportation network. The city has created a webpage with additional information about this study: https://www.jerseycitynj.gov/parkingplan