CMAQ Program
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program is supported by federal funds allocated to the NJTPA region and advances readily implementable and innovative projects and services that improve air quality and reduce congestion in the NJTPA’s air quality maintenance and non-attainment areas. Eligibility for the grants is limited to NJTPA member subregions and agencies, Transportation Management Associations, other public agencies and public-private partnerships. NJTPA’s CMAQ program has two categories:
Local Mobility Initiatives (Shuttle Services) - Administered in partnership with NJ TRANSIT, this program is designed to advance transit strategies that reduce traffic, driving alone and harmful emissions. It enables the development of financially sustainable and innovative shuttle services that provide increased opportunities for the general public to connect to major transit routes, and provide last mile connections to major destinations. This program also funds replacement vehicles for existing or expanded shuttle services.
Transportation Clean Air Measures (TCAMs) - Non-shuttle projects compete for funding as Transportation Clean Air Measures (TCAMs) that will reduce pollutant emissions and congestion in the NJTPA region. Successful TCAMs will augment existing environmentally beneficial programs with new and innovative approaches, take advantage of cross-jurisdictional partnerships, have the potential to inspire or support further actions, garner public support and interest, and leverage other funding sources.
After funds are authorized by FHWA, TCAM project sponsors have a maximum of three years to complete the project. The minimum match for projects is 20 percent from public agencies (Up to 100 percent of funding is available for certain projects subject to federal approval) and 50 percent from private firms.
Current Funding
Solicitations are issued about every three years. The NJTPA conducted a solicitation for the CMAQ programs during 2020 (the solicitation materials are in Related Documents box). A blog article about the projects funded for FY 2021-2023 is here. The funded projects are the following:
Funded Local Mobility Initiatives
Vehicle Replacement Projects
- Fort Lee Commuter Ferry Operations - Borough of Fort Lee Parking Authority ($280,000)
- Sussex County Skylands Ride - Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services ($500,000)
- Orange Commuter Transportation Project - City of Orange Township ($185,000)
Operational Support Project
Funded Transportation Clean Air Measures
- Zero Emissions Goods Movement - International Motor Freight ($1,806,816)
- Emergency Vehicle Idle Reduction Program - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection ($973,400)
- Patriot’s Path Morristown/Hanover Shared Use Path - County of Morris ($3,827,525)
- Highlands Rail Trail - Phase II - County of Passaic ($1,600,000)
- It Pay$ to Plug In: NJ’s Electric Vehicle Charging Grants Program - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection ($5,039,900)
- EZ Electric - EZ Ride ($960,000)
- Electric Monmouth - Monmouth County ($200,000)
- Traffic Signal Optimization/Adaptive Traffic Signals Along Central Avenue/CR 508 - County of Essex ($4,001,207)
- Traffic Signal Optimization - Township of Weehawken & Union City ($1,000,000)
- Traffic Circulation & Signal Optimization - City of Paterson ($359,3725)
- JFK Boulevard Traffic Signal Optimization- Armstrong Avenue - Clinton Avenue (Part B) - County of Hudson ($240,000)
- Questions related to the Local Mobility Initiatives program should be directed to Jasmine Lawrence Principal Planner, TMA & Mobility Programs ( [email protected])
- Questions related to Transportation Clean Air Measures should be directed to Liz DeRuchie, Manager, Air Quality and Conformity ([email protected])