Final Design/Right of Way
Final Design (FD) and Right-of-Way Acquisition (ROW) is the third phase of the Local Capital Project Delivery Program. The FD/ROW Phase of project development formally begins once the preliminary plans, environmental document, and associated public input have been approved by NJDOT Local Aid and Bureau of Environmental Program Resources (BEPR), with formal sign off on the environmental document from FHWA. Subject to the project sponsor’s discretion, the design consultant selected during the Preliminary Engineering Phase may be retained to provide the Final Design Phase services. If the consultant is not retained, the subregion must follow the procedure for procurement of professional services before initiating this phase. This phase of project development culminates in the completion of construction contract documents (i.e., project plans, specifications, construction schedule and construction cost estimate).
The Final Design Phase includes the continued advancement and completion of those project development tasks initiated during the Preliminary Engineering Phase, such as roadway design, bridge design, right-of-way and access engineering, utility engineering, environmental permits and clearances, and community outreach. The completion of those tasks will involve various internal and external project stakeholders. Stakeholders participate in project review meetings with internal offices and consultations with local officials, the general public and other state and federal agencies. Coordination with the public and local officials is guided by a project-specific public outreach plan.
The Final Design Phase is completed when the project is authorized for construction, which initiates the Construction Phase of project development. At that time, activities are undertaken to close out the Final Design Phase and transition to the Construction Phase, such as closing the project’s design job number and issuing an addendum to the design consultant’s contract covering any needed construction engineering services.