Public Comment
As the metropolitan planning organization for a 13-county region in northern and central New Jersey, the NJTPA actively seeks participation from the public in its regional planning and capital programming activities.
Board and committee meetings are open to the public and Board meetings are livestreamed on the NJTPA’s website and YouTube channel. The public is given the opportunity to comment in-person or virtually before any action at Board meetings and a public comment period on other matters is held at the end of each meeting.
The NJTPA complies with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and other federal statutes and requirements. The public can request accommodations, including translation services, for NJTPA meetings and events. The NJTPA requests seven days’ notice in order to make arrangements. To make a request, please call (973) 639-8400 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays) or email [email protected].
Public Comment Periods
There are no public comment periods at this time.