Who We Are

Committees of the Board of Trustees


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee provides direction, oversight and final sign-off on all administrative, personnel and financial matters; coordinates MPO issues needing priority attention; and takes “interim actions” (as necessary) on behalf of the NJTPA Board of Trustees (subject to the latter’s concurrence). More >


Planning & Economic Development Committee

The Planning and Economic Development Committee oversees regional and corridor-based planning activities including: the update of the Long Range Transportation Plan. The committee also reviews and approves funding for the annual Unified Planning Work Program, which includes all staff activities; the Study & Development Program, which includes future projects in various stages of planning; and the Subregional Transportation Planning and Subregional Studies programs. More >


Project Prioritization Committee

The Project Prioritization Committee oversees all activities related to the annual development and management of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), including modifications and amendments, as well as negotiations with the New Jersey Department of Transportation and NJ TRANSIT in the development of the state’s annual Transportation Capital Program. The Committee also reviews and approves funding for the NJTPA’s Local Safety, High Risk Rural Road and Local Capital Project Delivery programs, among others. More >


Freight Initiatives Committee

The Freight Initiatives Committee supports the economically vital regional goods movement industry, as mandated by federal legislation. This includes recommendations on strategic transportation investments and policies to keep the region globally competitive. The Committee serves as a forum for dialogue on freight issues between the public and private sectors. More >


Regional Transportation Advisory Committee

The RTAC provides a forum for presentation and discussion on regional issues. It also performs a vital function in reviewing and disseminating information, and making recommendations to the NJTPA Board and its individual Trustees to aid in decision making. More >