UpNext North Jersey
About UpNext
The NJTPA created UpNext North Jersey to engage young adults in our region in the transportation planning process. It was established in the Public Engagement Plan that the NJTPA Board adopted in late 2018.
This informal advisory group, launched in 2019, consists of about 25 young adults. It is open to residents in the NJTPA region who are ages 21 to 30. The group provides input on various NJTPA projects and programs, including the Regional Active Transportation Plan and Plan 2050: Transportation, People, Opportunity.
The group meets virtually and in-person to learn about and contribute to different NJTPA projects and programs. UpNext members provided the NJTPA with input on its series of Plan 2050 background papers and also participated in an “Active Transportation Challenge,” documenting walking or biking challenges and opportunities in various locations.
In-person events have included a walking tour of active transportation improvements in Jersey City and a tour of the Port in Newark. These events give UpNext members a unique opportunities to engage with thought-leaders and decision-makers, in addition to offering visits to unique transportation-related locations and more.
UpNext North Jersey is one several initiatives aimed at reaching groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in the transportation planning process. In the past, the NJTPA has used civic dinner parties, part of our Set the Table initiative, to engage young adults. This advisory group builds off of that effort.
Check out the Public Engagement Plan to learn more.