Funding Resources/Updates
This page provides updates and resources related to the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) — also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) — signed into law on November 15, 2021.
The NJTPA has a central role in ensuring that North Jersey can take full advantage of the funding and programs in the Act. In particular, the Act provides much needed funding to repair and improve road, rail and bridge infrastructure in the region. To be eligible for this funding, all projects will have to be approved by the NJTPA Board for inclusion in the region's Transportation Improvement Program or TIP.
The Act also offers a host of funding opportunities for local governments to improve mobility for residents which can bolster local economies and quality of life (see resources below). As the region's Metropolitan Planning Organization, the NJTPA can assist in coordinating and helping with grant applications and submissions, including:
The NJTPA urges local governments or other organizations to contact the NJTPA and keep us informed regarding proposed applications for IIJA funding. This will ensure all concerned parties throughout the region can support and coordinate activities and realize the greatest benefits for the region's residents.
Register to apply for Federal grants — A SAM registration is required for any entity to bid on and get paid for federal contracts or to receive federal funds. These include for-profit businesses, nonprofits, government contractors, government subcontractors, state governments, and local municipalities. Guidance and information on grants is at
Latest Developments
If a grant no longer appears on the below list, the deadline to apply has passed. However, you can still find information about the various programs under the Resources and Links section.
January 30, 2025 (deadline) —Applications are due to the Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant Program. The BUILD program, previously known as the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) and Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) discretionary grants, program can be used to invest in road, rail, transit and port projects that promise to achieve national objectives. Additional inforrmation is available in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
December 18, 2024 — Rural and Tribal Assistance Grant Program - USDOT announced a NOFO for this program. Applications are due March 4, 2025. The NOFO offers $27 million in technical assistance grants to rural and tribal communities for the planning and design phase development of transportation projects. There is no local funding match required to participate in this program. The Bureau designated up to $10 million for Tribal applicants. Eligible applicants include local governments or political subdivisions in rural areas or in urbanized areas that have a population less than 150,000. A webinar will be held January 14, 2025, at 3 p.m. ET. about the application process.
October 25 — PROTECT Program - FHWA is accepting applications under the Fiscal Years 2024-2026 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program. The deadline is February 24, 2025. The program provides grants on a competitive basis for projects that seek to strengthen surface transportation to be more resilient to natural hazards, including climate change, sea level rise, heat waves, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters through support of planning activities, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. State, county and local governments and multi-jurisdiction groups are eligible to apply. Webinars are being held. Applications are made through
Resources and Links
Anticipated dates for upcoming funding opportunities — USDOT continues to update this list of anticipated dates for upcoming NOFOs for key programs within the BIL and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), as well as related programs. This list is not comprehensive and will be updated periodically with additional programs and revised dates as appropriate.
Webinar Recordings: Identifying Discretionary Grant Opportunities — This May 22, 2023 webinar showcased the USDOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard, a tool that makes it easier to search for and find grant opportunities depending on the type of project you have, your organization type, and other considerations like match requirements. It was a follow-up to a February 8 webinar featured staff from across the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) highlighting several resources created to help potential grant applicants to navigate different funding opportunities.
Matrix of competitive grant programs — USDOT and FHWA continue to update this matrix which illustrates grant programs broadly, organized by applicant type, and lists grant programs (rows) which can be matched with the potential applicant (column) the program can fund.
Federal Program Inventory — The U.S. Office of Management and Budget has developed a Federal Program Inventory (FPI) that includes information about the more than 2,300 Federal financial assistance programs. The FPI allows users to search by category, agency, assistance type and eligible applicants.
Reconnecting Communities
This program has become part of a consolidated: Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program.
This program focuses on improving access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, nature, and recreation, and foster equitable development and restoration, and provide technical assistance to further these goals. Funding for this fiscal year is a combined allocation of FY 2024, 2025, and 2026. Up to $607 million is available for planning, capital construction, and technical assistance. The funding will be implemented as appropriate and consistent with the priorities in Executive Order 14052.
The following relates to past funding announcements:
- September 30, 2024 (deadline) — Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program — USDOT announced a NOFO for the third round of this program, making more than $600 million available for Fiscal Years 2024-26. The program seeks to help revitalize and reconnect communities cut off from opportunity by past transportation infrastructure decisions, such as highways bisecting communities. The funding is available in two categories: capital construction and community planning to support future construction. A general application webinar was held July 9 and a merit criteria webinar is planned for July 23. All of the webinars can be accessed here. The deadline for applications is September 30. View the tab below for additional information about this program.
September 28, 2023 - USDOT announced a joint NOFO for the Reconnecting Communities Pilot and Neighborhood Access and Equity programs, which will combine two major discretionary grants into one NOFO. The application deadline was September 28, 2023. Together, this combined program will be known as the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program. Many projects may be eligible and considered for both component grant programs using a single application. Among the shared goals of the two component programs are: reconnecting communities by addressing transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity; fostering equitable development and restoration; improving access to jobs, education and other destinations; and prioritizing disadvantaged communities. Webinar recordings are available here.
Safe Streets and Roads Grants
Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant program was created under IIJA to support local and regional efforts to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries through safety action plan development and refinement and implementation focused on all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, personal. It will provide about $5 billion in competitive grants over five years.
Eligible activities include developing a comprehensive safety action plan; planning, design, and development in support of an Action Plan; and implementing safety projects and strategies.
The following relates to past funding announcements:
- August 29, 2024 (deadline) — Safe Streets and Roads for All planning and demonstration grant applications are due August 29. (Implementation grants were due May 16.) It funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent deaths and serious injuries on our nation's roadways. Numerous grants have been received in New Jersey in the past under the program. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) issued an amendment to the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) NOFO on April 16. It clarifies that funds are available on a rolling first-come, first-serve basis. Prospective applicants can also view recordings of three "How to Apply" webinars held earlier this year. For additional information about this program, visit the tab below.
- April 16, 2024 — USDOT issued an amendment to the Safe Streets and Roads for All NOFO. It added $200 million to the amount available for implementation projects for a total of $780 million. It clarified that funds are available on a rolling first-come, first-serve basis. And it removed the option for unsuccessful Implementation Grant applicants to apply for a Planning and Demonstration Grant. Implementation Grant applicants were encouraged to bundle requests for supplemental planning and demonstration activities into their Implementation Grant application. Application deadlines remained the same.
- March 25, 2024 — SS4A Webinar Recordings — Recordings of three public "How to Apply" webinars are available. The webinars focused on developing an Action Plan; supplemental planning and demonstration activities; and Implementation Grants.
- February 21, 2024 — Safe Streets and Roads for All now open for applications. USDOT announced that applications are being accepted for the Fiscal Year 2024 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program. It funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent deaths and serious injuries on our nation's roadways. Numerous grants have been received in New Jersey in the past under the program. According to the Notice of Funding Opportunity, Planning and Demonstration Grant applicants can apply to three upcoming rounds of funding, with the following deadlines: April 4, May 16, and August 29. Implementation Grant applications were due May 16,with a possibility of resubmission by August 29. A series of webinars on SS4A funding were held in April and May (see link above).
- December 11, 2023 — USDOT announced that 22 cities and municipalities in New Jersey were awarded grants for safety planning under SS4A. One town (Hammonton) received a grant for implementation. The list of planning awards is here. The New Jersey grant awards, totaling $6.7 million, were among 48 implementation grants focused on safety projects and strategies, and 337 grants for planning and demonstration activities awarded nationwide to help prevent deaths and serious injuries on the nation's roadways. The NJTPA is also working with counties in its region to develop Local Safety Action Plans to enable them to better address local needs and qualify for future SS4A implementation funding.
Announcements related to New Jersey:
BUILD (formerly RAISE) Grant
The Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant Program program can be used to invest in road, rail, transit and port projects that promise to achieve national objectives. The BUILD program has previously been called the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) and Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) programs.
In 2023, RAISE funding supported 162 projects in all 50 states. At least $15 million in funding is guaranteed to go towards projects located in Areas of Persistent Poverty or Historically Disadvantaged Communities, and projects located in these areas will be eligible for up to 100 percent federal cost share, as directed by Congress in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
The following are the past grant opportunities:
FY 2024 RAISE Grant: The U.S. Department of Transportation announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $1.5 billion in grant funding through RAISE discretionary grant program for 2024. The deadline for applications was February 28, 2024. The program helps communities around the country carry out road, rail, transit and port projects with significant local or regional impact. Half of the funding will go to projects in rural areas, and half of the funding will go to projects in urban areas.
FY 2023 RAISE Grant Funding Opportunity Released. USDOT released a NOFO on December 1, 2022. The deadline to apply was February 28, 2023. Grants can be used to invest in road, rail, transit and port projects that promise to achieve national objectives. USDOT intends to update this NOFO on or before December 14, 2022 with complete program requirements and application information.
IIJA specifies that the minimum RAISE grant award is $5 million, except that for projects located in rural areas, the minimum award size is $1 million. Grants may not be greater than $25 million. However these minimums don't apply to additional funds added to the program — see amendments.
Recordings of RAISE grant webinars — These recordings delve into various aspects of the RAISE application process. These webinars are a resource for prospective RAISE applicants, as the webinars come from the funding source and share the guidance of USDOT.
Multimodal Project Grant (MPDG)
On March 25, 2024, the Department published a NOFO announcing $5.1 billion in 2025-2026 Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) program funding. Applications were due by May 6.
Available funding included:
$1.7 billion for the National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Mega) program: The Mega program invests in large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and are likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits. Eligible projects include highway, bridge, freight, port, passenger rail, and public transportation projects of national or regional significance. Per the law, 50 percent of funds are available for projects above $500 million in total cost, and 50 percent are available for projects between $100 million and $500 million in total cost.
$2.7 billion for the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) program: The INFRA program awards competitive grants to multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, accessibility, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people in and across rural and urban areas. Eligible projects will improve safety, generate economic benefits, reduce congestion, enhance resiliency, and hold the greatest promise to eliminate supply chain bottlenecks and improve critical freight movements.
$780 million for the Rural Surface Transportation Grant (Rural) program: While smaller communities receive grants from a wide number of grant programs, including Mega and INFRA, the Rural program is dedicated specifically to projects in rural areas. Eligible projects for Rural grants include highway, bridge, and tunnel projects that help improve freight, safety, and provide or increase access to agricultural, commercial, energy, or transportation facilities that support the economy of a rural area.
The following relates to past funding announcements:
The deadline to apply to the 2023-2024 MPDG program was August 2,1 2023. Communities could apply to one, two, or three of the grant programs with a single application and a common set of criteria. The funding for the three programs was:
$1.8 billion for the Mega Program.
$3.1 billion for the INFRA Program.
$675 million for the Rural Program.
Webinar Recordings — These informational webinars covered how to apply for MEGA, INFRA and Rural grants.
Other Grant Programs
The following are past grant opportunity announcements —
future rounds of funding may be announced:
- September 23, 2024 (deadline) - Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program -- The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) on July 7, issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that makes available over $1.1 billion in Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program funding. Intended to improve railroad crossings’ safety and efficiency, the RCE Program invests in projects that construct grade separations, upgrade safety devices at crossings, or close at-grade crossings where roads and train tracks intersect. Applications are due September 23, 2024. The announcement is here.
- August 30, 2024 (deadline) — Enhancing Mobility Innovation program for Transit: FTA announced a NOFO to solicit proposals from transit agencies and other organizations for research projects that develop new approaches and tools to improve mobility. The program promotes technology projects, such as integrated fare payment systems and user-friendly software for demand-response public transportation. The deadline for proposals is August 30.
- August 28, 2024 (deadline) — Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant Program applications are due August 28. This $1.3 billion funding opportunity for electric vehicle charging and alternative-fueling infrastructure is open to state, county and local governments. The program provides two funding categories of grants: Community Charging and Alternative Fueling Grants, and Charging and Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants. The notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is here. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) hosted two webinars: June 6 for first time applications and June 11 for reconsideration of Round 1 applications (the deadline to request reconsideration has passed).
- July 22, 2024 (deadline) — Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning Program: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced the availability of approximately $10.5 million in competitive grants for this program. Applications were due July 22. Past grants have mostly gone to transit operators, though a few cities also received awards. This year, applications with a substantial focus on affordable housing may receive 100 percent federal support. On June 5, FTA hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the program, and describe the eligibility requirements.
- July 12, 2024 (deadline) — SMART Grants, Funding Transportation Technology and Innovation - USDOT announced applications for the third year of its Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program were due July 12 for Stage 1 Planning and Prototyping grants, which fund technology demonstrations and prototypes that solve real-world transportation problems and build data and technology capacity for State, local, and Tribal governments. Later this year, recipients of Stage 1 grants will be eligible to expand their projects through the first of several Stage 2 grant opportunities. Most past grants have gone to large cities or transit agencies — see here. According to USDOT, successful projects will create sustainable partnerships across sectors and levels of government, engaging industry, labor, academia, and nonprofits to better meet community transportation needs. A webinar on How to Apply was held May 28.
- June 17, 2024 (deadline) — Ferry Grant Programs. The Federal Transit Administration announced the availability of $316 million to support and modernize passenger ferry services, and the deadline to apply was June 17. Three programs are included in this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): the Passenger Ferry Program supports capital projects to buy, replace, or modernize passenger ferries, terminals, and related equipment ; the Electric or Low Emitting Ferry Program provides federal support to transit agencies to buy ferry vessels that reduce emissions; and the Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program provides capital, planning, and operating assistance to support or expand ferry services in rural areas. Instructions for applying and eligibility information can be found on GRANTS.GOV. FTA hosted a webinar (passcode 638376) on May 2, on the requirements for funding, application eligibility and criteria, and the submission process.
- June 17, 2024 (deadline) — Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program — The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced the opening of applications for the Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP), a new competitive grant program, ad applications were due June 17. The Notice of Funding Opportunity for the program is here. The ATIIP aims to enhance safety and connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians across communities nationwide. With an allocation of up to $44.5 million, this program seeks to support projects that create comprehensive networks of bicycle and pedestrian pathways. The program offers two types of grants: Planning and Design grants, for projects costing $100,000 or more; and Construction grants for projects costing $15 million or more. The federal share of project costs will not exceed 80 percent, except for projects serving communities with high poverty rates, where it may cover up to 100 percent. A general webinar for applicants was held on April 9 and a session for tribal nations was held on April 10.
- March 19, 2023 (deadline) — FHWA issued a NOFO for $9.7 billion in multi-year funding to improve the nation’s bridges through the competitive Bridge Investment Program’s “Planning” and “Bridge Project” categories. Planning grants are for planning, feasibility analyses, and revenue forecasting associated with the development of a project; and, Bridge Project grants are for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, and protection projects with total eligible costs of $100 million or less.
- November 27, 2023 (deadline): The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has issued a rolling Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Large Bridge Project portion of the Bridge Investment Program for Fiscal Years (FY) 2023-2026. This program funds bridge projects that cost more than $100 million and is open to municipal, county and state government, Tribal Nations and special district governments. Applications for FY 2023 and 2024 funds are due November 27, 2023. The deadline to apply for FY 2025 funding is August 1, 2024 and the deadline for FY 2026 is August 1, 2025. Additional information is available in the NOFO.
- November 15, 2023 (deadline): Thriving Communities Program Technical Assistance — This program provides grants of technical assistance to under-resourced and disadvantaged communities to help them identify, develop, and deliver transportation and community revitalization opportunities. A Call for Letters of Interest, with a deadline of November 15, 2023, has been issued for communities seeking assistance. The technical assistance is provided by several federally-selected Capacity Builder organizations and teams each of which work with multiple communities. Under the program, communities can receive in-kind support to prepare grant application materials and undertake pre-development and project delivery activities including deploying innovative community engagement, workforce development, and clean technology strategies. There is no cost for communities to receive support through the program. A NOFO was also issued for recruiting and funding additional Capacity Builders to provide the technical assistance. Three webinars about the Thriving Communities Program were held in September.
- November 13, 2023 (deadline): The Electric Vehicle Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator is making up to $100 million available to state departments of transportation and local governments to strategically deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Applications must be submitted by November 13, 2023. Additional information is available in the NOFO.
- October 10, 2023 (deadline): Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program — USDOT accepted applications for the second year of the SMART Grants Program through October 10. The program funds demonstration projects focused on advanced smart community technologies and systems that improve transportation efficiency and safety. Additional information is available in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Webinar recordings are available here.
- August 18, 2023 (deadline): PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program Funding Opportunity — FHWA released the PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). It is open to all levels of government. Applications were due August 18, 2023. The program seeks to help make surface transportation more resilient to natural hazards, including climate change, sea level rise, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters through support of planning activities, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure.
- August 1, 2023 (deadline): Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program Funding Opportunity — This is a competitive grant program with the goal of reducing Wildlife Vehicle Collisions (WVCs) while improving habitat connectivity for terrestrial and aquatic species. The program funds both construction projects, such as building wildlife crossing overpasses or underpasses, and non-construction projects including planning, research, educational activities and analysis of WVC hotspots. Applications were due August 1.
- June 13, 2023: Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program — The deadline for application submissions has been extended to June 13. It was originally May 30. This is a new competitive grant program to strategically deploy Electric Vehicle charging and other alternative vehicle-fueling infrastructure projects in publicly accessible locations in urban and rural communities, as well as along designated alternative fuel corridors. It is a $2.5 billion, five-year program. Cities, counties and local governments are eligible to apply. The first round of funding will make $700 million available. The Notice of Funding Opportunity is on
- January 10, 2023: Transit grants for areas of persistent poverty announced — The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is making $20 million available in FY 2023 for planning, engineering, or development of technical or financing plans in “Areas of Persistent Poverty” or “Historically Disadvantaged Communities." The deadline for applications is March 10. Eligible activities include new transit routes; engineering for transit facilities and improvements to existing facilities; innovative technologies; planning for low or no emission buses; planning for a new bus facility or intermodal center that supports transit services; integrated fare collections systems; or coordinated public transit human service transportation plans, among others. State departments of transportation may apply on behalf of eligible applicants, including partnerships with non-profit organizations. Three webinars on the program are scheduled in February.
- December 6, 2022 (deadline): Thriving Communities Technical Assistance for IIJA Grants Available — The Thriving Communities program will provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support to support communities in applying for and using IIJA grants. The program is focused on supporting under-resourced and disadvantaged urban, rural, and Tribal communities. A Letter of Intent (LOI) to receive technical assistance must be submitted by December 6 as discussed here. This program is a $30 million collaboration between the federal Department of Transportation and Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- September 19 , 2022: Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovative Mobility Deployment (ATTIMD) Program — The deadline to apply for this NOFO was November 18. ATTIMD provides grants to state and local governments and others to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment. This program, also known as Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovation (ATTAIN), includes technologies for improving transportation access; emergency evacuation and response; connected vehicle safety systems; advanced parking reservation or variable pricing systems; integrated corridor management; and more. An information webinar is planned.
- September 16, 2022: Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Info — The deadline to apply to this NOFO was November 18. The SMART Grants Program funds purpose-driven innovation to build data and technology capacity and expertise for State, local, and Tribal governments. Communities should target their real-world challenges where the use of new technologies and approaches can create benefits.
- August 2, 2022: PROTECT Formula Program — Under this program, $7.3 billion is being allocated by formula to states — with New Jersey slated to receive $176 million — over five years to make transportation infrastructure more resilient to future weather events and other natural disasters by focusing on resilience planning, making resilience improvements to existing transportation assets and evacuation routes, and addressing at-risk highway infrastructure. States are encouraged to work with regional and local partner organizations to prioritize transportation and emergency response improvements, as well as address vulnerabilities. A fact sheet is here.
- July 8 , 2022: Ferry Programs — The Federal Transit Administration issued a Notice of Funding Opportunities for three Ferry grant programs — the Passenger Ferry Grant Program; the Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program; and the Ferry Service for Rural Communities Programs. Applications were due September 6. Informational webinars were held on July 27 2:30PM EDT and July 28 (focusing on new services) 2:30 p.m.
- June 30 , 2022: Railroad Crossing Elimination Program — A NOFO for this program has been released. It makes available $573 million in grant funding in FY 2022. The program funds projects that create grade separations — such as overpasses and underpasses — as well as closures, track relocations, and improvement or installation of warning devices at crossings if related to a separation or relocation project. Planning, environmental review, and other preliminary design elements are also eligible for grant funding. The deadline to apply was October 4.
- June 10, 2022: Bridge Investment Program — This NOFO is to solicit applications for three categories of Bridge Investment Program (BIP) funding: (1) Planning; (2) Bridge Projects (projects with eligible costs less than $100 million); and (3) Large Bridge Projects (projects with eligible costs greater than $100 million). Eligible applicants may submit applications for any of the three funding categories, but each category has distinct eligibility and selection criteria and application deadlines. The deadline for 2022 planning applications was July 25; large bridge projects, August 9; and bridge projects, September 8.
- April 21, 2022: Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) — This new program provides $6.4 billion in formula funding for states and localities over five years. It will fund a wide range of projects designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from on-road highway sources — from installing infrastructure to support the electrification of freight vehicles or personal cars, to constructing Bus Rapid Transit corridors, to facilitating micro-mobility and biking. Under the CRP, states must also develop carbon reduction strategies in consultation with Metropolitan Planning Organizations.
- March 30, 2022: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Guidance — FHWA has issued a memorandum providing background information and guidance to clarify eligibility, transfer, and other program requirements. The program funds many smaller-scale but critically important multimodal transportation projects at both the State and local level including pedestrian and bicycle facilities; construction of turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas; community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management; environmental mitigation; safe routes to school projects; and vulnerable road user safety assessments, among others. It is a key program for helping states build complete streets.
- May 26, 2022: Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning — USDOT announced the availability of approximately $13 million in competitive grant funds through the Federal Transit Administration for this program. TOD looks at the relationship among transit, housing and land use. This program was originally established in 2014 and has provided grants annually. The deadline to apply was July 25.
- March 7, 2022: Grants to Modernize Bus Fleets and Facilities — The White House and USDOT announced the availability of approximately $1.47 billion in competitive grant funds to help modernize bus fleets and facilities across the country,
- February 23, 2022: Port Grants Announcement — The USDOT’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) announced nearly $450 million in newly available grant funding for port-related projects through the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP). These grants can help ports expand capacity and improve the movement of goods through supply chains.
- February 10, 2022: EV Charging network announcement — The program will provide nearly $5 billion over five years to help states create a network of EV charging stations along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors, particularly along the Interstate Highway System. A second program later this year will fund EV infrastructure in broader areas.
Federal Guidance
- DOT Navigator - A website to help communities understand the best ways to apply for grants, and to plan for and deliver transformative infrastructure projects and services.
- Thriving Communities Initiative -This program provides technical assistance and capacity building resources to improve and foster thriving communities through transportation improvements. Thriving Communities is key component of USDOT’s Equity Action Plan
- Technical Assistance Guide for Infrastructure Resources — The White House released a technical assistance guide to help state and local governments navigate, access, and deploy infrastructure resources in the IIJA. It identifies over $700 million in dedicated funding across more than 65 technical assistance programs.
- The White House has released a Fact Sheet (pdf), highlighting 25 funding opportunities for local governments.
- It has also issued a 465-page Guidebook (pdf) for state and local leaders. The guidebook contains information on upcoming transportation programs, as well as energy, environment, broadband, solid waste management, recycling, and other programs. In many places, the guidebook provides more detail on schedule, funding, etc. than the fact sheet
- Register to apply for Federal grants — A SAM registration is required for any entity to bid on and get paid for federal contracts or to receive federal funds. These include for-profit businesses, nonprofits, government contractors, government subcontractors, state governments, and local municipalities. Guidance and information on grants is at
- April 22, 2022: Summary of Federal Funding for EV Charging Infrastructure — This 16-page publication summarizes the various federal programs that fund and support expansion of electric vehicle charging, focusing on the National Highway System.
Federal Agency Websites
- White House Build.Gov — The administration's main site on the law and resources. The guidebook to the law will be updated and posted to this site as the law is implemented.
- FHWA webpage on the law — The site provides a "one-stop shop" for Federal Highway Administration's implementation of the Act, including everything from fact sheets and funding notices to guidance, regulations, and presentations
- FTA webpage on the law — The site covers the Federal Transit Administration's implementation of the Act which authorizes up to $108 billion for public transportation – the largest federal investment in public transportation in the nation’s history.
- Public Involvement Guide — The USDOT released the guide for funding recipients and partners that conduct public involvement in transportation. It provides promising practices and concrete examples of what constitutes meaningful public involvement to help address the barriers to inclusion in transportation decision-making. It follows through on a commitment in the Department's Equity Action Plan. More information about the guide and planned training is on this website.
Other Info/Resources/Links
- IIJA Progress in New Jersey - While House fact sheet issued July 2022
- NJ TransAction Presentation — Opportunities Abound: The IIJA and the Future of Transportation Investment, April 26, 2022
- NARC Summary — The National Association of Regional Councils has prepared a summary of the law's provisions.
- NARC Presentation on IIJA - Article and link to presentation made by Erich Zimmermann, Deputy Director and Transportation Director of the National Association of Regional Councils at the annual meeting of the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum on December 3
- White House fact sheet on benefits to New Jersey
- Recordings of past USDOT webinars about IIJA are posted on this YouTube channel.
- FHWA New Jersey Administrator Robert Clark's presentation to the NJTPA Board on March 14, 2022.
- FHWA Issues Report to Congress on Complete Streets. This report provides an overview of current highway safety trends, and then provides a summary of FHWA activities that support complete streets projects. It discusses "opportunities and challenges as FHWA moves ahead with its effort to implement a Complete Streets design model."
- Action Plan to Accelerate Infrastructure — The White House released a fact sheet in conjunction with its Accelerating Infrastructure Summit to focus attention on, and fast-track, innovation in the delivery of infrastructure investments in America. The plan complements the Permitting Action Plan released in May 2022 by focusing on new approaches and expanding successful efforts to accelerate project planning, design, procurement and construction.