Project Tracker (NOTIS)
The NJTPA Online Transportation Information System (NOTIS) is an interactive tool that allows users to explore how their state and federal tax dollars are being invested to improve the transportation system in the 13-county northern New Jersey region. Access the tool here.
NOTIS can be used to answer many questions, including what transportation projects are planned in a specific community or county, what a project will cost and when it will be completed, and whether the feasibility of a new rail line is being studied. NOTIS presents information in text and maps.
The map-based interface shows project locations on an interactive map that allows users to zoom in and select projects. The text-based interface allows users to look for projects in specific counties and/or on particular roadways and municipalities. The text interface also allows users with project numbers to quickly access information.
A new mobile-friendly version of NOTIS is now available. To access the tool , visit on a mobile device.
The FY 2024 – 2027 TIP was approved and adopted by the NJTPA Board on September 12, 2023.
Each year over $3 billion in state and federal funding is invested in transportation projects and programs in the northern New Jersey region. Funded projects accomplish a wide range of infrastructure improvements including redesigned intersections, repaved roads, new bicycle/pedestrian paths, added trains and buses, rehabilitated bridges and upgraded traffic signals. NOTIS provides information on projects at two stages:
Committed Projects: Projects for which planning has been completed. They are in the NJTPA Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that are scheduled for preliminary engineering, final design, right-of-way, or construction during the next four years.
Planned Projects: Projects included in the NJTPA Study & Development (S&D) program are still being studied and may or may not be implemented. If they are found feasible, they become eligible for inclusion in the TIP.
Projects at both these stages originate from the NJTPA's Long Range-Transportation Plan. More information on the projects included in NOTIS can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions. A few other essential points about NOTIS:
NOTIS does not include information on county- and municipally-funded transportation projects in the region.
Project schedules and funding are subject to change based on unexpected problems, funding shortfalls and changing needs. NOTIS is updated monthly to include the most current NJDOT data on project status.