TIP Overview
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) contains detailed information on the funding, scheduling, and purpose of surface transportation improvement projects in the NJTPA region that reflect the investment priorities detailed in its long-range transportation plan (LRTP), and represents priority actions to achieve the region's goals and associated transportation system performance targets. The FY 2024 - 2027 TIP incorporates transportation system performance benchmarks in accordance with the MAP-21/FAST Act Performance-Based planning requirements (Appendix M). Additional information on performance measures and performance-based planning can be found here.
The TIP lists all highway, transit, and multi-modal projects to be programmed with FHWA and FTA funds for preliminary engineering, final design, right-of-way, and construction. It also lists non-federally funded projects that are regionally significant and other state funded surface transportation projects.
The TIP is the final phase in a continuous, multi-phase project development and implementation process called the "Project Pipeline." The Project Pipeline proccess includes the following elements:
- Project Identification: Future needs and projects are identified in the LRTP, which establishes a long-range vision for improving transportation in the region. Project needs are also identified and analyzed through regional and subregional studies.
- Project Development: Study and Development Program (S&D) guides work to explore project needs. This often involves exploring alternative conceptual designs and routes.
- Project Prioritization: Proposed projects are scored and ranked during development of the S&D. When projects have passed through the S&D, they are placed in the Project Pool, which includes projects eligible for inclusion in the TIP.
- Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): Projects are selected from the Project Pool for inclusion in the TIP. The TIP, which is updated every two years, is the mechanism for allocating federal funding for preliminary engineering, final design, right-of-way purchases and construction of transportation projects. The air quality impacts of the TIP are evaluated through a conformity determination.
The following webpages provide detailed information on the TIP:
- Adopted TIP – copy of the Board adopted bi-annual TIP and detailed project reports sorted by county and program, with current revisions
- TIP Obligation Reports - annual listings of TIP obligated projects
- Study & Development – schedule of project planning, environmental reviews and other work being undertaken to advance proposed transportation improvements towards possible funding
- Project Prioritization – overview of the TIP project prioritization process and scoring criteria