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Local Transit Grants

In 2014 NJ TRANSIT responded to the discontinuation of the FTA Section 5316 (Job Access Reverse Commute) program with the creation of a new program, NJ-Job Access and Reverse Commute (NJ-JARC), using their own operating funding. NJ-JARC provides operating assistance to localities for the development of transportation shuttle services to connect low income persons to jobs and other employment related services. Eligible services include shuttles and connector services to public transit or warehouse locations. In state fiscal year 2021, the program awarded $2.9 million to projects in the NJTPA region, including the Essex County Night Owl from Newark Penn Station and the Route 57 Shuttle in Warren County. NJTPA assists with the scoring of applications for NJ-JARC projects.

Bus for senior programNJ TRANSIT also administers the FTA Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) program, an annual competitive grant for capital and operating projects specifically for the provision of transportation for seniors and people with disabilities. Eligible applicants are non-profits, for-profits providing shared ride transportation, and public entities. NJTPA assists with scoring applications from our region and provides significant feedback during the Section 5310 State Application Review.  

The transportation services provided through the Section 5310 program include but are not limited to non-emergency medical, shopping, competitive employment and non-competitive employment trips.  In federal fiscal year 2018 $4.8 million in capital and operating funds was awarded for projects in the NJTPA region. Recipients include counties, municipalities, and private organizations such as the Arc of Union County, Jewish Family & Vocational Service of Middlesex County, and the Veterans Transportation Foundation of Little Falls.

The NJTPA assists NJ TRANSIT is the selection of both NJ-JARC and Section 5310 grants. All services must be consistent with County Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plans.

For information about these programs, contact:

Janelle Rivera
Manager, Local Programs

Jasmine Lawrence   
Principal Planner, TMA & Mobility Programs
 [email protected] | 973-639-8440