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Goods Movement

The Goods Movement Strategies for Communities tool was developed to facilitate discussions on trucking issues. The tool identifies and clarifies the complex issues involved with moving goods by truck and offers strategies that may help address community concerns while preserving the critical function of trucks in our regional economy.

The development of this application and its database of truck-related issues was guided by extensive stakeholder input from both the public and private sectors. The NJTPA Freight Division drafted a list of potential freight issues communities might face. Each issue is categorized by geographic area, truck operations and related issues. Staff researched and identified 34 strategies for addressing these issues. A two-page summary was developed for each strategy, including a description, goal, implementer(s) and supportive stakeholders, action items, challenges, settings in which each should be used, and examples with links for further details
The tool is compatible with Chrome and Firefox web browsers. A companion tool has been created that is optimized for mobile web browsers.