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Local Safety Action Plans

The NJTPA is partnering with eight counties in the region to facilitate development of Local Safety Action Plans (LSAP), which help county and local governments identify and prioritize safety improvements to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes. This consultant-supported initiative seeks to improve safety for all road users, in keeping with the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) National Road Safety Strategy and Safe System Approach. These plans will meet eligibility requirements for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) competitive grant opportunity available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

The NJTPA is providing assistance to develop plans for the following counties: Bergen, Hunterdon, Morris, Passaic, Ocean, Somerset, Sussex, and Warren. To learn more about these plans, visit

Middlesex County adopted its Vision Zero Action Plan in 2022. Between FY 2022 and FY 2023, four NJTPA counties and 15 municipalities applied for and received SS4A grants to develop their own safety plans. In addition, the NJ Sports and Exhibition Authority received a SS4A planning grant for developing the Meadowlands Action Plan for Safety (MAP4S). Effectively, every county in the NJTPA region will have its own safety action plan, eligible for SS4A implementation funding.

Local Safety Action Plans (sometimes also called  Local Road Safety Plans) create a framework for focusing safety activities towards addressing the most pressing needs and matching safety problems with effective solutions. They are an important call to action to reduce and eventually eliminate fatal and serious injury crashes on all roadways. Local Safety Action Plans are also a FHWA proven safety countermeasure.

Webinar Series

The NJTPA hosted a webinar series and in-person workshop in coordination with the FHWA New Jersey Division Office and FHWA Resource Center, which provided resources and guidance for creating strong safety plans. The presentations and recordings are available here.

People walking in crosswalk crossing the streetParticipate in Local Safety Action Plans

Every county in New Jersey and in the NJTPA region is developing or will soon be developing Local Safety Action Plans, and input from the public is vital to creating strong plans. For more information about the Local Safety Action Plans in progress, visit the web page at Get involved by participating in the public survey and webmap. If you are outside of the NJTPA region, please contact your Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to learn how you can get involved. For more information or to get involved in creating plans in the NJTPA region, please contact us at [email protected].

Photo by Ed Murray