Publications & Reports

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The following are some of the publications and reports available from the NJTPA. To request printed copies, email [email protected]. A selection of older documents are available on the Archive page. For a comprehensive list of current and recently completed NJTPA research projects, see Active Studies.


Latest Releases

FY 2024 Annual Report

Board of Trustees Handbook

Informational Materials

Brochures and other documents providing general overviews of the NJTPA, its governing Board, workshop offerings and other topics. Printed copies available on request.

NJTPA Introductory Brochure PDF file: 275 KB

Transportation Acronym Guide PDF: 219 KB

A Brief Guide to NJTPA Planning - 16-page brochure providing an overview of the planning process.  PDF file: 3 MB.

History of Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Online series of articles originally published in 1996-1997. PDF file: 2 MB  


NJTPA Update LogoThe NJTPA Update is an online digest of agency announcements and activities, updated on an ongoing basis with the latest items. The NJTPA also compiles a bi-monthly version containing key items from the previous few weeks. Readers can sign-up through the E-list to be informed when a new edition of the bi-monthly NJTPA Update has been prepared.

InTransition - An online magazine regularly updated with new articles and research findings on transportation and planning published jointly with New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJTPA's host agency.

In The News - Each day, the NJTPA posts links to the top transportation news stories to its In The News webpage.  Once a week, these and other articles are compiled into a Roundup of transportation news that you can have emailed to you by subscribing to the NJTPA Elist.


Study Final Reports

Final reports of studies completed by the NJTPA are available through the Completed Studies page.  In addition, final reports are available for completed Subregional Studies.  

Together North Jersey Studies/Reports

NJTPA continues to play a leadership role in Together North Jersey, a region-wide planning consortium,  along with Rutgers University and a wide range of partners.  Together North Jersey reports and studies are aimed at implementing the sustainability plan finalized in 2015

Archive of publications/reports 

A library of older NJTPA publications and documents, provided for historical reference. More>