Completed Studies Planning > Subregional Programs > Subregional Studies > Completed Studies > 2010-2011 Print 2010-2011 Active Studies Hunterdon County Bicycle PlanThis study will create a county-wide bicycle master plan to improve and encourage bicycling throughout the County while connecting major destinations with recreational and open space facilities. The study will establish a vision for a safe, equitable, and convenient countywide bicycle network for all riders regardless of ability. The countywide bicycle network will incorporate complete streets to connect the county’s existing off-road paths using on-street bicycle infrastructure. Jersey City Transportation PlanThis study will update the city’s comprehensive transportation plan by examining mobility, transportation infrastructure, and the transportation network for all users including but not limited to motorist, pedestrians, transit riders, and bicyclists. This study will create a comprehensive vision for the City’s transportation network while addressing emerging transportation challenges as the city continues to grow and redevelop. Middlesex County Road Safety AuditsMiddlesex County seeks to advance the Middlesex County Vision Zero Action Plan, adopted in 2022, by conducting Road Safety Audits (RSAs) at five high crash locations as identified in the Plan using the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) RSA process. Visit the study website for more information.Somerset County Electric Vehicle Charging and Suitability AnalysisThe study will identify optimal locations for electric vehicle charging infrastructure throughout the county. Warren County Comprehensive Complete Streets Policy Implementation PlanThe study seeks to develop a comprehensive Complete Streets policy implementation plan. This plan will focus on Complete Streets strategies in rural and/or small-town settings. Complete Streets is an approach to planning, designing, building, operating, and maintaining streets that enables safe access for all people who need to use them, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, trucks and transit riders of all ages and abilities. For more information, visit the study page at Hudson Circulation and Connectivity StudyThe study will evaluate existing transportation conditions, access, and challenges to improve accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, motorists, and trucks that travel in and around the western part of Hudson County. This includes the Borough of East Newark, the Town of Harrison, and the Town of Kearny. Completed/Archived Studies All Years 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 All Counties Bergen Essex Hudson Hunterdon Jersey City Middlesex Monmouth Morris Newark Ocean Passaic Somerset Sussex Union Warren All Study Type Bike/pedestrian Circulation/transp. Plans Corridor/streets Environmental Justice Goods movement Land use/development Modeling/forecasts Project development Public engagement Resilience/environment Safety System performance Technology/apps Transit/TOD [2024] Somerset County Master Plan Circulation ElementThe County developed a circulation element that is consistent with and advances recommendations from previous plans, with a focus on improving linkages to employment, implementing transportation solutions that reduce reliance on fossil fuels and their negative impacts on climate change, green infrastructure, and EV readiness plan. [2024] Identification of Barriers to Mobility in Monmouth County The study identified and developed measures to mitigate barriers to mobility of all types including but not limited to improving public awareness of travel options, infrastructure improvements, and policy changes within Monmouth County. The study provides guidance and countermeasures for local jurisdictions that reduce, overcome and/or prevent barriers to mobility. [2024] Jersey City Traffic Calming Toolkit The study updated Jersey City's traffic calming measures, which have not been revised since the Jersey City's Master Plan Circulation Element Amendment was adopted in 2011. The primary objective updated and incorporated traffic calming principles that further advanced the city's Vision Zero Action Plan and provided specific design interventions for increased pedestrian, cyclist, motorist, and transit rider safety.[2024] Newark Bike Plan The study expanded and connected the City of Newark’s bike network and established a vision for a safe and convenient citywide bike network for all riders regardless of ability. The citywide bicycle network will contribute towards providing residents and visitors with a viable alternative to motor vehicle travel throughout the city while reducing congestion, improving air quality, affording greater personal health, and increasing multi-modal mobility. The study final report is final report is available. The study webpage is here.[2024] Passaic County Strategic Infrastructure Investment Study The study developed strategic priorities surrounding existing and proposed transportation infrastructure to create more economically competitive, equitable, and sustainable communities. Accordingly, the study identified “Priority Investment Areas” within the County that may benefit economically from transportation infrastructure improvements. The Priority Investment Areas maximize economic development, equity, and sustainability by supporting the County’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) from a transportation perspective. [2023] Essex County Transportation Plan - 2045This study updated the transportation plan for the County and incorporated the comprehensive needs of all transportation users including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users while addressing emerging issues such as economic recovery, social equity and post-COVID-19 needs. [2023] Hudson County Truck Routes AssessmentThe study assessed the effects of trucking on Hudson County communities, developed a comprehensive understanding of freight trucking within the County, prioritized roadway infrastructure needs on all County freight routes, and continued to foster dialogue between freight industry professionals, local government decision makers, and community members that support and promote and inclusive, collaborative engagement process related to truck transportation planning within the County.[2023] Southern Middlesex County Freight Movement StudyThis comprehensive freight related study identified travel needs and impacts due to freight movements in the southern area of Middlesex County. Recommendations include improvements to existing facilities and routing, addressing congestion, safety, multi-modal mobility, accessibility, traffic operations, and impacts of regional traffic on local communities.[2023] Union County Electric Vehicles Infrastructure StudyUnion County sought consultant support to identify new potential locations where electric vehicle charging infrastructure might be prioritized. The study identified existing Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) infrastructure and developed criteria to determine optimal locations for new EVSEs. The study goal was to expand the County’s EVSE network, resulting in better air quality and improved community health by reducing emissions from gasoline powered engine vehicles.[2022] Bike Passaic CountyThe purpose of Bike Passaic County was to create a county-wide bicycle master plan that provides a framework to improve and encourage bicycling throughout the County. This Plan focuses on connecting destinations, linking communities to County parks and regional trails, including the Morris Canal Greenway and Highlands Rail Trail, and help to create a safer, healthier, and more accessible bicycling network for residents and visitors of all ages and abilities.[2022] Jersey City on the MoveThe City conducted an alternative transportation modes assessment to explore innovative and emerging transportation modes and determine which of these options can best supplement the service gaps in existing public transit as well as expand the existing network. The goal was to enable residents to reduce personal automobile use and encourage a majority of all trips to be taken by transit or active transportation, such as walking or biking. The results of the study serve as the basis for an update to the goals, objectives, and methodology outlined in the Jersey City Master Plan Circulation Element to best respond to the City’s changing transportation needs. [2021] Hudson County Ferry Service Expansion StudyThis study examined opportunities to expand existing ferry service or to create new ferry service within Hudson County. The study explored market feasibility for intracounty, inter-county, and inter-state ferry service to serve five general areas of Hudson County: Kearny Point, the Bayfront Redevelopment Area of Jersey City, Bayonne’s Hackensack River waterfront, south Harrison, and West New York.[2021] Monmouth County Within Reach StudyThis project addressed congestion in Monmouth County related to large events and tourism through the application of Travel Demand Management (TDM) policies and practices at five to seven specific locations that were determined through a data driven screening process. The main goal of the study was to generate a set of actionable recommendations for these locations, and to note where recommendations are replicable elsewhere within Monmouth County.[2021] Somerset County Roadway Corridor Safety Analysis StudyThis study identified opportunities to improve safety along five Somerset County roadway corridors. The County advanced a series of corridor wide road safety audits following the Road Safety Audit (RSA) process to include different place types and address safety for all users.[2021] Union County Truck Mobility StudyThe purpose of this project was to identify barriers to efficient and safe regional freight movement on truck routes on county roads and to recommend potential strategies to address those barriers, while balancing the needs of all users of the roadway.[2021] Warren County Transportation PlanThis study updated the Warren County Transportation Plan to define a comprehensive program of recommendations. The Transportation Plan includes implementation phases to address multimodal transportation needs, overcome existing constraints and deficiencies, and leverage opportunities across a broad range of projects, policies, and strategies.[2020] City of Jersey City Parking Management PlanThe goal of this study was to optimize the use of current parking supply and identify parking management strategies to inform zoning and policy regulations for future development. [2020] Paterson - Newark Transit Market StudyThe goal of the study was to produce a market study that identifies potential ridership, capacity, routing and stations for transit service along the Newark Industrial Track right of way between Passaic and Essex Counties from the Cities of Paterson and Clifton to the north and ending in the vicinity of the Broad Street Station of the Newark Light Rail.[2019] Moving Mindfully: Monmouth/Mercer Freight StudyAs Monmouth County enters an era of redevelopment, revitalization, and rediscovery with the recent adoption of the Monmouth County Master Plan, it is crucial now to address critical capacity issues for freight routes to ensure freight related transportation is safely and efficiently interacting with local automobile traffic.[2019] Newark Downtown Circulation StudyThe Newark Downtown Circulation Improvements Study will collect and analyze data on pedestrian, bicycle, motor vehicle, bus, freight, and parking volume. Major roadways, intersections, and regional connections identified below will all be analyzed as well as Penn Station circulation.[2019] Ocean County Bicycle and Pedestrian Linkages from the Barnegat Branch Trail, Northern SectionThe Barnegat Branch Trail parallels the high traffic Route 9 and Route 166 state highways which do not provide for adequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The connections that can be made by this trail allow for alternative modes of transportation, which is available to a broader range of users, while increasing safety to these users.[2019] The John F. Kennedy Boulevard Corridor Study – Hudson CountyThis study will identify both physical and policy-based solutions for safer, viable streets for particular intersections of concern along the JFK Boulevard corridor.[2019] The Somerset County Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities and Trails PlanSomerset County, with a growing diverse population and changing employment opportunities, has a great need for better connected destinations and additional mobility choices by improving the existing bicycle, pedestrian and trails infrastructure to better connect priority destinations.[2018] Jersey City Pedestrian Enhancement PlanThis study developed a Pedestrian Enhancement Plan that identifies specific improvements that reinforce the pedestrian-friendly environment along City Streets.[2018] Passaic County Green Infrastructure PlanThe study produced a final report that will function as a Green Infrastructure Implementation Element of the County Master Plan.[2018] Update to the Warren County Transportation Technical StudyThe study developed an update to the Transportation Technical Study of the Warren County Strategic Growth Plan element of the Warren County Master Plan, which was adopted by the Warren County Planning Board in 2005.[2017] Essex County Freeway Drive and Station Area Safety and Public Realm StudyThe study addresses access and circulation issues in Orange and East Orange, and around the East Orange, Brick Church and Orange train stations, Route 280, Freeway Drive East and West, and the NJ TRANSIT elevated rail line.[2017] Monmouth County Travel Demand Model As Monmouth County enters an era of redevelopment, revitalization, and rediscovery, it will be crucial to undertake any future planning and engineering projects armed with the most accurate and advanced information possible. This effort will build upon and refine NJRTM-E down to a level that is validated at the Monmouth and Ocean County level[2017] Supporting Priority Investment in Somerset County, Phase IIIThe proposed Supporting Priority Investment is Somerset County Phase III study will complete the development of framework plans for the remaining seventeen (17) PGIA’s using the same process that was developed and undertaken for the top seven (7) PGIA’s in the previous study.[2016] Hudson County: Update to Land Development RegulationsThis study will develop six proposed elements for a new update to the Hudson County Land Development Regulations.[2016] Middlesex County: Improving Transit Services and Bicycle-Pedestrian Access on Route 529The purpose of this study is to examine existing and future growth in the corridor and the need for expanded transit services and bicycling and pedestrian improvements to serve points of attraction along the corridor and in nearby areas.[2016] Morris County Circulation ElementThe purpose of the proposed regional study is to produce a new County Circulation Element to the Morris County Master Plan[2016] Passaic County: Great Falls Circulation StudyThe purpose of the Great Falls Circulation Study was to test the visioning concepts developed in the spring of 2014 aimed at promoting a bicycle and pedestrian friendly environment at the Great Falls National Historic Park (NHP) gateway area while mitigating impacts to and testing concepts for multi-modal circulation along key corridors of Downtown Paterson and the Great Falls Historic District.[2016] Union County Transportation PlanAn updated Plan will reflect the significant changes made to the local and regional transportation system in recent years.[2015] Bergen County: Central Bergen Bicycle & Pedestrian PlanThis study analyzed the introduction or enhancement of designated, non-motorized transportation infrastructure along corridors (to be determined) throughout central Bergen County as a phased in approach to implementing the County’s draft complete streets policy. $375,000[2015] Ocean County: Ocean County Transportation Model UpdateUpdate of the 2003 Ocean County Transportation Model to address major changes in land use development and transportation patterns. $365,000[2015] Somerset County: Supporting Priority Growth Investment in Somerset County, Phase 2Phase Two identified detailed recommendations for select Priority Growth Investment Areas in terms of transportation improvements, infrastructure investments and land use and zoning changes that advance the State Strategic Plan and the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development goals and objectives to promote smart growth and economic development. $300,000[2013] Bayonne/Greenville/Journal Square Bus Rapid Transit Study 2013$250,000. The feasibility of bus rapid transit (BRT) service in Bayonne and Jersey City was studied using existing rights-of-way.[2013] Bergen County: River Road/Hudson Waterfront Corridor StrategyThis Phase 2 study developed concepts for improvements to mobility, accessibility, safety and quality of life along the River Road Corridor in Edgewater and Fort Lee. [2013] Heritage Tourism Element of the Passaic County Master PlanCirculation and wayfinding plan for Passaic County’s historic and scenic byways identified in the Passaic County Master Plan Transportation Element Update, Moving Passaic County.[2013] Jersey City Morris Canal Greenway PlanThe purpose of this study was to prepare a plan for a bicycle and pedestrian greenway that is, to the greatest extent possible, on the six-mile former right-of-way of the historic Morris Canal in Jersey City.[2013] Liberty State Park Circulator Cost Benefit AnalysisThis study analyzed a range of options for mass transit service to serve destinations in Liberty State Park and nearby residential developments and businesses in Jersey City.[2013] Middlesex County Transportation Plan Element"New Horizons in Mobility" (the transportation element of the County Comprehensive Master Plan) addresses current conditions, emerging issues, and actions needed to achieve and maintain a sound and responsive transportation system that helps balance the needs of adequate mobility, safety and economic sustainability for the various population groups in Middlesex County.[2013] Morris County Route 124 Corridor Transit Access Improvement StudyThe NJ 124 Transit Access Improvement Study is a 14-month comprehensive analysis of the current utilization and accessibility of three commuter rail stations—Chatham, Madison, and Convent—along the Morristown branch of NJ TRANSIT's Morris & Essex Line within the NJ124 Corridor.[2013] Newark Master Plan: Mobility Element[2013] Passaic County: Moving Passaic County -Transportation Element of the Passaic County Master Plan[2013] Supporting Priority Investment in Somerset County through Access and Mobility Improvements[2013] The Essex County Comprehensive Transportation PlanThe Essex County Comprehensive Transportation Plan was developed to meet mobility and transportation safety needs across Essex County, New Jersey through the year 2035.[2013] Warren County Morris Canal 25-Year Action Plan[2011] Hudson County/Jersey City: Jersey City/Hoboken Connectivity Study[2011] Middlesex County: Route 9 Corridor Transit Linkages Study[2011] Monmouth County Transportation Audit and Sustainable Transportation Plan[2011] Ocean County - Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility, New Egypt and Toms River[2011] Somerset and Middlesex counties: Easton Avenue/Main Street Corridor Plan[2011] Somerset County's Circulation Plan Update: Making Connections[2011] Union County: Route 1&9 Corridor Study[2009] City of Jersey City: Master Plan Circulation Element UpdateThis study updated Jersey City’s Master Plan Circulation Element, which articulates a long-term vision for the City’s transportation network and guides key policies and capital investments to make this vision a reality.[2009] Bergen and Hudson Counties: The River Road - Hudson Waterfront Circulation Study/The Hudson River - The River Road/Hudson Waterfront Circulation Study focused on the “Gold Coast,” a narrow strip of land in Hudson and Bergen Counties situated between the Palisades cliffs to the west and the Hudson River to the east.[2009] City of Newark: Right of Way Management, Assessment and Priority SystemThis system was created and implemented to meet the City's need for a rational, responsive roadway management system to help the direct infrastructure dollars to projects that will make the best contribution to the condition of the city's overall roadway network and the vitality of Newark's economic health.[2009] Middlesex County: Southern Middlesex County Transit NeedsThis study assessed the level of transit services available to areas of southern Middlesex County that have experienced significant growth and proposes recommendations to improve existing and future mobility and to reduce reliance on the automobile.[2009] Monmouth County Coastal Evacuation Routes Improvement StudyFindings from this study are used by the county and 4 study area municipalities to plan and program operational and system improvements to make evacuation from flood areas safer and more efficient.[2009] Morris County: Transportation Model Development CompletionThe MCTM serves the region as a model for other counties. Its fine-grained analyses highlights the interconnected relationship between land use and transportation and identify potential transportation opportunities and deficiencies.[2009] Passaic County: NYS&W/Madison Ave. Corridor Study: Linking Urban Redevelopment and Transportation InTo ensure responsible development around the proposed Madison Avenue train station, this plan outlines a comprehensive strategy for the area to support transit, encourage a vibrant Figure 1: Study Area Map and attractive urban environment, promote buildings of an appropriate scale, stimulate economic activity, coordinate new and existing transit options, and link other activity centers within and around the City of Paterson.[2009] Somerset and Hunterdon Counties: Route 202 Corridor Assessment & Multi-Modal Mobility PlanThis study involved developing a plan to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Route 202 corridor by reviewing and assessing vehicular traffic and other multi-modal travel opportunities, including walking and bicycling.[2009] Somerset County Regional Center Pedestrian, Bicycle & Greenway Systems Connection PlanThe plan identifies actions and policies developed to improve pedestrian and bicycle connections to key public destinations such as schools, parks, train stations, shopping malls, and downtowns.[2009] Union County: Route 27 Corridor Safety StudyThe Union County Route 27 Corridor Safety Study focused on vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle transportation along Route 27 from Elizabeth to Rahway and presents strategies to improve safety for all travelers.[2009] Warren County: Route 22 Corridor StudyThe plan developed through this study presents a comprehensive examination, assessment, and analysis of existing and future transportation conditions along Route 22 in the municipalities of Phillipsburg, Pohatcong, Lopatcong, Alpha, and Greenwich.