Jersey City received funding for design, construction and construction inspection services for this project through the NJTPA's Local Safety Program. This program is funded through the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program Funds.
Project Background
Sip Avenue from Route 1& 9 to Van Reypen Street carries an average annual daily traffic of 11,000 vehicles per day and has a posted speed of 25 MPH. The corridor is narrow (32 feet curb-to-curb) and consists of one lane in each direction with on-street parking. Parking is restricted in many segments, particularly near Journal Square and at the numerous bus stops. NJ Transit operates three (3) bus lines along the corridor, which provide direct service to/from Journal Square. The corridor has a mix of residential properties, ranging from two-story homes to multi-story residential buildings, including a small park, Hudson County Community College, and some small businesses.
Upgrades are required to meet current ADA standards, especially at several intersections where crash data shows higher than average crash rates. In addition, the traffic signal equipment at various intersections, particularly the pedestrian components, are outdated and in need of upgrades per MUTCD and NJDOT standards. The improvements at the signalized intersections are likely to require new signal poles, upgraded pedestrian signals, electrical rewiring and junction boxes, timings, and vehicle detection to improve traffic flow.
Proposed Improvements
- Traffic signal upgrades, including vehicle detection cameras
- Curb extensions and bus bulb-outs
- Bicycle accommodations
- ADA-compliant curb ramps and detectable warning surfaces
- High visibility striping and sign upgrades
- Replacement of deteriorated sidewalks and curbs
- Pedestrian rectangular rapid flashing beacons
- Drainage and green infrastructure improvements
- Milling and resurfacing
Construction is scheduled to begin in Spring 2024 and be completed by Fall 2024. Sip Avenue will remain open to traffic during construction.
The design cost is $0.7 M and the total estimated construction cost is $3.0M.
If you have questions or would like to comment on the project, please click on this link:
See "Meeting Notes" below.
8/19/2021 6:00:00 PM
6:00-7:30 PM
Event location:
Due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, this Public Information Center will be held virtually with a live Q&A session on August 19 from 6 to 7:30 PM.
Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 916-527-253
Meeting Documents
Meeting Video
Transcripts of Video
Concept Plans
Meeting Flyer (English)
Meeting Flyer (Spanish)
Meeting Flyer (Arabic)
Meeting Notes