Active Mobility/
Transportation |
A form of transport that only uses human physical activity for locomotion, notably walking and cycling. Running, skateboarding, kick scooter and roller skates are also forms of active mobility. |
Active Transporation Plan |
A regional transportation plan that establishes strategies to facilitate development of a highly functioning, regional network of infrastructure for biking and walking. (ATP webpage) |
Alterntative Fuel Vehicles |
Vehicles that operate primarily on non-petroleum fuels such as natural gas, propane, electricity, hydrogen and biodiesel. |
Alternatives Analysis |
AA |
Preliminary engineering and environmental studies of a wide range of transportation project alternatives. Alternatives are narrowed down, with some selected for more detailed study. Then, after substantial and detailed engineering and environmental studies, a preferred alternative is identified. |
Asset Management |
A strategic approach to preserving and enhancing the condition of transportation infrastructure. |
Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations |
A nonprofit membership organization, of which the NJTPA is a member, established to serve the needs and interests of MPOs nationwide. |
Automated, Connected, Electric, and Shared Vehicles |
Automotive technologies that enable new mobility paradigms, new companies, and new business and revenue models which have the potential to alter the way consumers interact with vehicles. |
Categorical Exclusion |
CE |
Transportation projects that have minimal environmental impacts and are excluded from certain environmental reviews. |
Central Staff |
The support staff for the NJTPA. (Staff Directory) |
Certification |
A federally mandated process whose purpose is to certify that an MPO is legally qualified to receive and expend federal dollars. A certification review examines the planning process to ensure that it complies with all applicable federal regulations. |
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Federal law that requires states to set budgets and timetables for reducing air pollution. The law requires the NJTPA to give priority funding to transportation projects which reduce vehicle emissions through travel pattern changes, travel mode options, and/or traffic flow improvements. |
Code of Federal Regulations |
A compilation of all regulations issued by the federal government's agencies and departments. Published annually. |
Concept Development |
CD |
The phase of work in the NJTPA's S&D process, in which information and data are gathered and generated to develop a clear understanding of a transportation problem for later consideration of alternatives. |
Conformity (Air Quality) |
A federally required analysis of transportation plans such as the LRTP and TIP used to demonstrate that funded projects, taken together, will not produce more air pollution than allowed by New Jersey's SIP. |
Congestion Management Process |
A federally mandated systematic approach to identifying and addressing congestion. It includes data collection, monitoring and measuring of transportation system performance and identifying alternative actions and strategies for particular locations. (CMP webpage) |
Congestion Mitigation Air Quality |
A program that funds transportation projects or programs that will contribute to attainment of the NAAQS, with a focus on reducing ozone, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). |
Congestion Pricing |
Transportation tolls, fares or other charges that vary with the level of travel demand (for example, by time of day) to help optimize the efficiency of the transportation system. |
Connected and Automated Vehicles |
Vehicles equipped with devices to communicate location and operational conditions with surrounding vehicles and adjacent infrastructure as well as to perform automated driving functions. |
Constrained funding |
Funding allocations that are balanced with assumed revenues. This is used for the first four years of the TIP. |
Construction |
A final phase of work in the TIP, involving actual construction. |
Context Sensitive Design |
A collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to designing transportation infrastructure that involves all stakeholders to develop a facility that is appropriate to its setting and preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources, while maintaining safety and mobility. |
Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan |
A federally required plan to help guide counties and the region in prioritizing and funding transportation services for disabled, elderly and low-income residents. (CHSTP webpage) |
Corridor |
A broad geographical band that follows a general directional flow connecting major origins and destinations of trips, and which may contain a number of streets, highways, and transit alignments. |
County Road |
CR |
The roads that are usually, but not always, maintained by the counties and denoted by three digits in the 500 to 699 range. |
Federal Highway Administration |
The agency of the USDOT that administers federal funding for highways and bridges. Along with the FTA, FHWA oversees the planning process administered by the NJTPA. |
Federal Highway Trust Fund |
Provides dedicated funding to federal highway and mass transit programs. Revenues are derived from the federal gas tax, along with user fees. |
Federal Railroad Administration |
The agency of the USDOT that issues and enforces rail safety regulations, administers railroad assistance programs, and conducts research and development in support of improved railroad safety and national rail transportation policy. |
Federal Transit Administration |
The agency of the a USDOT that administers federal funding for public transit. Along with the a FHWA, the FTA oversees the planning process administered by the NJTPA. |
Finding of No Significant Impact |
A determination of an EA indicating that a potential project will have no significant environmental impact. |
Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act |
FAST Act |
The federal funding and authorization law that governs U.S. federal surface transportation investments from fiscal year 2016 to fiscal year 2020. |
Freight Concept Development Program |
A competitive program which provides funding to the NJTPA subregions to conduct CD on proposed local and regional freight transportation projects. |
Freight Initiatives Committee |
A standing committee of the NJTPA. The FIC supports the region's economically vital goods movement industry and works to fashion a transportation agenda for truck, rail, air, and waterborne commerce in the region. Meets bi-monthly. (FIC membership) |
Implementing Agencies |
Agencies responsible for maintenance, construction, and operation of the state highway and public transit systems. Also known as operating agencies, these include NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, and PANYNJ. |
Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act |
The nation's principal transportation funding law which was signed by President Joseph Biden on November 15, 2021, authorizing $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure spending with $550 billion going towards new investments and programs. Also known as the BIL. (IIJA Resources webpage) |
Intelligent Transportation Society of New Jersey |
A non-profit, organization of public, private, and academic sector organizations having an interest in the research, deployment, and operation of Intelligent Transportation Systems in New Jersey. A state Chapter of ITS America |
Intelligent Transportation Systems |
Technology to better manage traffic and transit resources, enhance safety and reduce accidents, inform the public about travel conditions, and more effectively handle toll collection, safety inspection, log maintenance, licensing and vehicle registration. |
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act |
Enacted in 1991 by Congress (and superseded by TEA-21 in 1998, SAFETEA-LU in 2005, MAP-21 in 2012, FAST Act in 2015 and IIJA in 2021), ISTEA inaugurated a new approach to transportation planning that emphasized the interdependence and connections among major components of the national transportation system |
Light Rail Transit |
A form of passenger urban rail transit characterized by a combination of tram and metro features. While its rolling stock is more similar to a traditional tram, it operates at a higher capacity and speed, and often on an exclusive right-of-way. In many cities, light rail transit systems more closely resemble, and are therefore indistinguishable from, traditional underground or at-grade subways and heavy-rail metros |
Local Capital Project Delivery Program |
A competitive program which provides funding to the NJTPA subregions to conduct CD and Preliminary Engineering (PE) on proposed transportation projects, preparing them for eventual construction. (LCPDP webpage) |
Local Concept Development |
CD carried out by a local (subregional) entity. (LCD webpage) |
Local Preliminary Engineering |
The phase of project development in which the preferred alternative identified in concept development is further developed and refined to a level of detail necessary to secure the approval of the environmental document, also known as the NEPA document. |
Local Safety Engineering Assistance Program |
This program supports the LSP and HRRR Program. It is federally funded using HSIP funds and assists the subregions in advancing projects through the federal authorization process for construction by preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates. |
Local Safety Program |
This federally funded program is a component of wider safety planning at the NJTPA, supporting construction of high impact safety improvements on county and local roads in the NJTPA region. (LSP webpage) |
,Long Range Transportation Plan |
The federally mandated long-range transportation plan for the region. It sets out a vision for development of the transportation system over the next 20 years and serves as an investment guide for the region. The LRTP is produced by the MPO every four years. Plan 2050 is the current LRTP. |
Management Systems |
ISTEA required the development of systems for managing and monitoring transportation system performance and the physical condition of assets. The systems help decision-makers to select cost-effective strategies/actions to improve transportation. Some examples of Management Systems are: pavement, safety, congestion, transit and bridge. |
Marine Highways |
The domestic, coastwise movement of maritime cargo. Also referred to as Short Sea Shipping. |
Metropolitan Planning Organization |
Under federal legislation, MPOs plan all federally funded transportation investments and serve as a forum where local officials, public transportation providers and state agency representatives can cooperatively plan to meet a region's current and future transportation needs. |
Microtransit |
A form of demand-responsive transport. This transit service offers flexible routing and/or flexible scheduling of minibus vehicles. |
Mitigation |
Any action taken or not taken to offset environmental or other impacts of proposed transportation improvements. |
Mobility as a Service |
MaaS |
A shift from personally-owned modes of transportation to mobility provided as a service. This is enabled by combining transportation services from public and private transportation providers through a unified gateway that creates and manages the trip, which users can pay for with a single account. |
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century |
MAP-21 |
A funding and authorization bill to govern United States federal surface transportation investment enacted in July 2012 and extended until May 2015. |
National Ambient Air Quality Standards |
A set of national goals for clean and healthy air outside of buildings as established by the US Environmental Protection Agency. These standards apply to pollutants considered harmful to public health and the environment. |
National Association of Regional Councils |
A nonprofit membership organization representing the interests of regional councils and MPOs nationwide. The NJTPA is a member. |
National Environmental Policy Act |
A federal law that establishes a national policy promoting the enhancement of the environment. It aims to help public officials and citizens understand the environmental consequences of major projects and actions. It requires planners and engineers to consider alternatives and mitigation steps for major construction projects. |
National Highway System |
The national system consisting of interstate highways and other key links such as major state highways. |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
The state agency that leads the state’s environmental science, regulatory, research, education and assessment efforts. |
New Jersey Department of Transportation |
The state agency responsible for maintenance, construction, and operation of state and interstate highways. |
New Jersey Institute of Technology |
A public technology and science university located in Newark. NJIT is the host agency of the NJTPA |
New Jersey Transit |
The state agency responsible for maintenance, construction, and operation of public transit facilities. |
New Jersey Turnpike Authority |
The agency that maintains, operates, and plans the NJ Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway. NJTA facilities do not fall under the jurisdiction of the NJTPA, but its projects are included in determining air quality conformity. |
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council |
The MPO for New York City, Long Island, and Rockland, Putnam, and Westchester counties. The NJTPA has a non-voting seat on the NYMTC Board. |
NJTPA Online Transportation Information System |
An interactive text and map-based online tool that displays transportation project information. (Access NOTIS) |
North Jersey Regional Transportation Model–Enhanced |
A federally required computer model of the region’s transportation system and travel patterns guides the NJTPA’s transportation planning efforts and its major products. The enhanced version of this model comprehensively forecasts roadway and public transit trips for northern New Jersey and surrounding counties. |
North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority |
The federally-authorized MPO for the 7 million people in the 15 subregions of northern New Jersey. The Board of Trustees is composed of representatives of the counties of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren; the cities of Newark and Jersey City; as well as from: NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, the PANYNJ; the Governor's office; and a citizen's representative. |
Northeast Corridor |
The rail corridor from Washington, D.C. to Boston. It is the busiest passenger rail corridor in the U.S. |
Park-and-Ride |
Designated parking areas for automobile drivers who then board buses or trains from these locations. |
Performance Measures |
Quantitative measures used to assess the functioning of particular facilities or aspects of the transportation system. (Performance Measures webpage) |
Performance-Based Planning and Programming |
Performance-based planning and programming is a systematic, goals oriented approach that transportation agencies incorporate in analysis and decision-making. The FAST Act and predecessor legislation require states and MPOs to use PBPP to help achieve desired performance outcomes for the multimodal transportation system. |
Phase of Work |
The stage of activity listed in a project's development within the S&D Program or TIP. |
Plan 2050: Transportation. People. Opportunity |
Plan 2050 |
The LRTP adopted by NJTPA Board of Trustees on September 13, 2021. Plan 2050 sets out a vision for development of the transportation system over the next 20 years and serves as an investment guide for the region. (Plan 2050 webpage) |
Planning and Economic Development Committee |
A standing committee of the NJTPA. It oversees the content and provides policy direction for LRTP updates and other planning-related matters. Meets bi-monthly. (PEDC membership) |
Planning and Environmental Linkages |
A collaborative and integrated approach to transportation decisionmaking that 1) considers environmental, community, and economic goals early in the transportation planning process, and 2) uses the information, analysis, and products developed during planning to inform the environmental review process. |
Planning for Emerging Centers |
A NJTPA program that provides technical assistance in support of efforts by municipalities to create more sustainable, transit-supportive and walkable communities as well as comprehensive approaches to strategic planning at the local level. (Planning for Emerging Centers webpage) |
Planning Funds |
PL |
Federal funds provided for planning projects and programs derived from a 1.25 percent set-aside from the federal transportation funding provided to states. PL funds are the principal revenue source for the NJTPA’s Central Staff operation and other components of the UPWP. |
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles |
Vehicles that use a combination of gas-powered and battery electricity as its fuel source. |
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey |
The bi-state agency responsible for overseeing port operations, major airports, and for operating the Hudson River crossings, including the PATH rail system, tunnels and bridges. PANYNJ facilities do not fall under the jurisdiction of the NJTPA, but its projects are included in determining air quality conformity. |
Port Authority Trans-Hudson |
The rail line operated by the PANYNJ that connects Essex and Hudson counties to Manhattan. |
Preliminary Design |
PD |
Formerly the final phase of work in S&D Program. It has become part of the PE phase. |
Preliminary Engineering |
PE |
The phase of project development in which the preferred alternative identified in CD is further developed and refined to a level of detail necessary to secure the approval of the environmental document, also known as the NEPA document. |
Planning Recommendations Integration Management Engine |
An online geographic database containing needs and recommendations identified in planning studies which provides transportation planning professionals access to findings from studies in the NJTPA area. The system supports collaboration on planning and advancing projects. (Access PRIME) |
Problem Statements |
Initial statements about potential transportation problems and/or initiatives. |
Project Pipeline |
A series of procedures that projects must complete during the phases of development from general concept to construction. |
Project Prioritization Committee |
A standing committee of the NJTPA. It oversees development of the fouryear, fiscally constrained TIP, and other capital programming activities. Meets bi-monthly. (PPC membership) |
Record of Decision |
The official record resulting from an EIS. |
Recreational Trails Program |
Provides grants to public agencies and non-profit organizations for a variety of trail projects. The program is administered by the NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry. |
Regional Capital Investment Strategy |
The NJTPA’s policy on how transportation funds should be spent, centered on nine broad principles. Among these principles: help Northern New Jersey grow wisely, make travel safer, fix it first, expand public transit, limprove roads but add few, move freight more efficiently, manage incidents and apply transportation technology, support walking and bicycling, and increase regional resiliency. |
Regional Transportation Advisory Committee |
A technical committee of subregional transportation planners which is responsible for providing technical assistance to the NJTPA Board of Trustees. Meets bi-monthly. (RTAC membership) |
Request for Proposals |
A solicitation often issued as part of a competitive negotiated acquisition process to communicate requirements to prospective contractors, consultants, suppliers, vendors, etc. and solicit proposals for a specific service or commodity. (Current RFPs) |
Ridesharing company |
The TNC or mobility service provider that matches passengers with vehicles via websites and mobile apps. |
RideWise |
A TMA serving Somerset County. |
Right-of-way |
Property on which a transportation project is built. Also regularly used to refer to the phase of work during which such property is acquired. |
Right-of-way/Construction |
RC |
The costs of ROW acquisition and CON have been combined and the work will occur within one fiscal year. |
Safe Routes to Schools |
A funding program for education and infrastructure to create safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for children to bicycle and walk to and from schools, for grades K-8. (SRTS webpage) |
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users |
Enacted in 2005, SAFETEA-LU was the nation's principal transportation funding law before it was replaced in 2012 by MAP-21, the FAST Act and subsequently by IIJA. |
Short Sea Shipping |
The domestic, coastwise movement of maritime cargo. Also referred to as Marine Highway. |
Short-Line Railroads |
A small or mid-sized railroad company that operates over a relatively short distance relative to larger, national railroad networks. |
Single Occupancy Vehicle |
Refers to motor vehicles occupied by the driver only. |
Smart Growth |
SG |
Smart Growth focuses planning resources on the restoration of existing infrastructure, in order to discourage urban sprawl. Communities seek restoration of the center city and older suburbs through a process that emphasizes environmental, economic, and fiscal priorities. |
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization |
SJTPO is the MPO serving Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem counties in South Jersey. |
Sprawl |
The unlimited outward expansion of suburbs characterized by low-density residential and commercial development, unchecked land development, and dominance of transportation by autos. |
Stakeholders |
Individuals and groups— including communities, government officials, businesses and other organizations— affected by decisions regarding transportation projects, studies, and initiatives. |
State Development and Redevelopment Plan |
A plan intended to control suburban sprawl by influencing the intensities and locations of development and redevelopment. Required under a 1986 act of the state Legislature. |
State Implementation Plan |
The federally required plan for bringing the state into compliance with federal air quality goals as mandated by the CAAA. Developed under the leadership of the NJDEP, the SIP contains steps the state will take to reduce pollution from all sources. The NJTPA must demonstrate that the projects it approves conform to the SIP and will have a net positive impact on air quality. |
State Planning and Research |
A federal funding category that provides operating funds for planning and research projects and programs administered by NJDOT. |
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program |
The state’s fiscally constrained agenda of transportation improvement projects that is made up of the TIPs approved by the state’s three MPOs. |
Strategic Highway Network |
A system of roads deemed necessary for emergency mobilization and peacetime movement of heavy armor, fuel, ammunition, repair parts, food, and other commodities to support U.S. military operations. |
Strategic Highway Safety Plan |
A major component and requirement of HSIP). It is a statewide-coordinated safety plan that provides a comprehensive framework for reducing highway fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. |
Street Smart NJ |
A public education campaign coordinated by the NJTPA that aims to raise awareness of pedestrian and motorist laws and change the behaviors that lead to crashes and fatalities. (Street Smart NJ website) |
Study and Development |
S&D |
A schedule of project development work, up through and including the T |
Technical Advisory Committee |
A committee formed to provide feedback, guidance, and technical input regarding a project, program, or product. May include partner organizations and agencies, stakeholders, and representatives of other relevant groups. |
Title VI |
Title VI, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., was enacted as part of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity that receives Federal funds or other Federal financial assistance. (Title VI webpage) |
Together North Jersey |
Together North Jersey is a consortium working to make the North Jersey region more competitive, efficient, livable, and resilient through collaboration, technical assistance, and peer-exchange opportunities. The TNJ Regional Plan was adopted in 2015. (TNJ website) |
Toward Zero Deaths |
&A national strategy on highway safety to advocate for eliminating serious injuries and deaths on our nation’s roadways. NJDOT has joined other states in the Toward Zero Deaths initiative in its 2015 and 2020 SHSP. |
Transit-Oriented Development |
Compact, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use development near bus and rail stations. |
TransOptions, Inc. |
The TMA for northwest New Jersey. |
Transportation Alternatives Program |
Provides federal funding for projects and programs for enhancing pedestrian and bicycle mobility, access to transit, community improvement, environmental. (TAP webpage) |
Transportation Capital Program |
A listing of New Jersey Department of Transportation and NJ TRANSIT projects and programs, formerly known as the Capital Construction Program, that is annually submitted to the state Legislature for approval and to be considered for inclusion in the draft TIP. |
Transportation Clean Air Measures |
Measures intended to reduce transportation-related emissions. TCAMs can include clean vehicle technology and diesel retrofits, anti-idling strategies, vehicle travel reduction, and public outreach programs. |
Transportation Control Measures |
Projects or programs that will lower transportation-related emissions by reducing vehicle use or improving traffic flow. In the context of transportation conformity, TCMs refer to actions that are specifically identified and committed to in a State Implementation Plan (see SIP). |
Transportation Demand Management |
Actions to reduce transportation demand, such as telecommuting, ridesharing, transit service improvements, commuter incentives, access management, and parking management. |
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century |
TEA-21 |
Enacted in June 1998, TEA-21 was the nation's principal transportation law until it was replaced by SAFETEA-LU in 2005, MAP-21 in 2012, the FAST Act in 2015, and IIJA in 2021. |
Transportation Improvement Program |
A four-year, fiscally constrained agenda of improvement projects drawn from the LRTP. To be eligible for federal funds, proposed projects must be approved by the NJTPA Board for inclusion in the TIP. Updated every two years. (TIP webpage) |
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act |
Legislation that created a program to provide federal credit assistance in the form of direct loans, loan guarantees, and standby lines of credit to finance surface transportation projects of national and regional significance. |
Transportation Management Association |
Organization established to work with employers to help provide more effective transportation options. They promote ridesharing and transit use, among other activities. The NJTPA provides administrative oversight for the eight TMAs in New Jersey. |
Transportation Network Company |
A ridesharing or mobility service provider that matches passengers with vehicles via websites and mobile apps. |
Transportation Research Board |
The TRB is a division of the National Research Council, which serves as an independent adviser to the federal government and others on scientific and technical questions of national importance. |
Transportation Systems Management |
Initiatives designed to create the more efficient use of existing transportation facilities through improved infrastructure management and operation. |
Transportation Trust Fund (New Jersey) |
The account established by New Jersey state law in 1984 for funding transportation programs and initiatives with revenues from fuel taxes and other sources. |
Travel Demand Management |
Programs designed to maximize the people-moving capacity of the transportation system by increasing the number of people using existing transportation facilities, or by influencing the time of, or need to, travel. |
Travel Demand Model |
A computer-based simulation of the transportation network that generates travel pattern forecasts. Used by the NJTPA in its transportation planning activities. Also see NJRTM-E. |