Current RFPs
Preproposal meeting times are subject to change due to extenuating circumstances, including inclement weather. Verify meeting times or office closings by calling 973-639-8400.
The NJTPA is a federally funded agency and is subject to federal and state laws, rules and regulations. Federal Procurement regulations apply to these contracts. If awarded, the successful firm awarded the contract shall be required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27.
Effective 11/20/13, prospective Proposer(s) please be advised that pursuant to P.L. 2012 c.25, a completed Disclosure of Investment Activities in Iran form will be required to be submitted with each proposal. Failure to complete the certification and submit it to the NJTPA with a firm’s proposal will render the proposal as non-responsive.
Current RFPs