Green Brook Township Village Center Re-Zoning Project
Planning for Emerging Centers Program Overview:
The Planning for Emerging Centers Program, managed by the NJTPA, provides technical assistance to municipalities for the development of local policies, regulations and planning activities that promote transit-supportive and pedestrian-oriented development and redevelopment. The goal of the program is to advance local sustainable transportation and land use planning that benefits the region’s economy, environment, and quality of life.
Local studies supported under the program will involve robust participation from stakeholders and the public, as well as implementing agencies at the municipal, regional, and state level (such as the NJ Department of Transportation, NJ TRANSIT, Transportation Management Associations, and counties). Recommendations produced from these studies shall be consistent with the
NJTPA Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and advance actions identified by the
Together North Jersey (TNJ) Plan.
The Planning for Emerging Centers Program will address increased demand for diverse, mixed‐use development that supports transit, bicycling and walking as well as implement the strategies and actions developed through the TNJ planning process. The NJTPA Planning for Emerging Centers Program works cooperatively with and advances the goals of the
Transit Friendly Program administered by NJ TRANSIT and the NJDOT Transit Village Program.