The NJTPA is accepting applications for the Vibrant Places Program. This program provides technical support for a range of creative placemaking projects that enable future place-based investments, complementing other local economic development initiatives. Examples of past projects include visioning plans for underutilized locations, marketing plans, wayfinding designs, public art plans and visitors guides.
Eligible applicants include municipal and county governments, and non-profit, community-based, or non-governmental organizations in the NJTPA
region. Special consideration is given to collaborations between municipalities, counties, and non-governmental organizations.

Up to four projects will be selected for technical assistance services in the form of staff time from
The Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers University and other subject-matter experts as needed. Projects should be small in scale and must be able to be completed within three to five months. All projects must be completed by May 31, 2024.
For additional information, including evaluation criteria, project examples/ideas, and detailed application instructions, visit the
Vibrant Places page on the Together North Jersey website where you can find:
- The application instructions document, which describes the application requirements and selection criteria.
- The application form, which is to be completed and submitted with the application package.
- A recording of an informational presentation about the program.
- A link to sign up for office hours to speak with VTC staff and ask questions about the program or your application.
The application deadline is September 30. Notice of decision will be made in October. Projects are anticipated to begin late 2023.
For more information, contact Miriam Salerno at
[email protected]