The NJTPA is working with New York City and the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council to prepare plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and other harmful air pollution in the New York-Newark-Jersey City NY-NJ Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). This effort is being funded with a Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which was awarded in October. It draws on funds authorized in the Inflation Reduction Act. A project website provides information and offers opportunities to get involved.
An important next step of the CPRG project is to develop a Priority Climate Action Plan, which is due in March. The plan will include a GHG Inventory, GHG Emissions Projections, Quantified GHG Reduction Measures, Low-income and Disadvantaged Communities Benefits Analysis, and Review of Authority to Implement. The plan will give the bi-state region access to $4.3 billion set aside nationally for climate emission reduction measures.
The project team has been meeting weekly since August. The NJTPA assisted in preparing the grant application, work plan and other materials. Additionally, the NJTPA has been working closely with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to coordinate state and MSA planning efforts. This has included attending NJDEP’s monthly meetings for interstate/interagency coordination and participating in several stakeholder outreach events. NJTPA is also consulting with its member subregions on the plan.
To get involved or share ideas, please contact Zenon Tech-Czarny, Principal Planner, Environmental Planning.