Completed Studies


Active Studies

  • 2050 Freight Industry Level Forecasts Update
    Conditions in the goods movement industry have rapidly evolved over the last several years. The 2050 Freight Industry Level Forecasts Update Study will develop updated, accurate information on freight demand, both current as well as projected out to 2050 and 2055.
  • Accessibility and Mobility Regional Reassessment
    The NJTPA is conducting a regional reassessment to update its Congestion Management Process (CMP), continuing from the work completed in the Accessibility and Mobility Strategy Synthesis. This study will assess regional and local accessibility and mobility as well as their constraints, such as congestion. A series of performance measures will be evaluated in order to determine which regional needs are prevalent, and the study will perform further analysis to determine an array of suitable strategies to improve accessibility and mobility. The study will also result in a final report describing the existing conditions, needs, and available strategy avenues.
  • FY 2025 Freight Concept Development Program Studies
    Two Concept Development studies will be prepared as part of this effort: the Southern Middlesex County North-South Truck Corridor Project in Cranbury and Monroe, Middlesex County; and the East Hanover Avenue Bridge Catenary Rail Clearance Project in Morris Plains and Morris Township, Morris County. Additionally, a Preliminary Screening for Plate F vertical rail clearance along the NJ TRANSIT North Jersey Coast Line in Perth Amboy will be developed.
  • Regional Capital Investment Strategy (RCIS) Refinement and Strategy Effectiveness
    The NJTPA is enhancing and providing greater transparency for the Regional Capital Investment Strategy (RCIS). Based on a comprehensive review of best practices, the effort will help the NJTPA improve estimates of the effectiveness of transportation strategies to provide a better connection between investment dollars and transportation outcomes. The project will also build on existing NJTPA analyses of historical spending to further refine and clarify RCIS guidelines and target allocations, and develop an interactive web application for communicating, exploring and applying the RCIS.

Completed/Archived Studies

  • [2024] PRIME 2.0 Upgrade
    The NJTPA upgraded PRIME, a repository for findings from planning studies created in the NJTPA region. Key objectives included developing capabilities to simplify data entry, streamlining the user and administration interfaces, developing more powerful search and reporting features and updating the programming platform to provide improved system performance.
  • [2024] Resilience Improvement Plan (2024)

    The North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) has developed a Resilience Improvement Plan (RIP), in collaboration with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), to meet the objectives of the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program. In accordance with PROTECT Program RIP guidance (23 U.S.C. 176(e)), the NJTPA’s RIP provides a risk-based assessment of vulnerable transportation assets in relation to immediate and long-term transportation planning. 

  • [2023] 2023 Report on the Economic Value of the New York-New Jersey Port Industry
    The NJTPA completed this study in partnership with the Shipping Association of New York & New Jersey and the Council on Port Performance. The study looked at the Port’s impact on a 31-county region in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania in 2022. It also provides data on the economic value generated for the entire states of New York and New Jersey. It updates a prior economic analysis completed in 2020.
  • [2023] Freight Rail Grade Crossing Assessment Update
    This study updated an assessment completed by NJTPA in 2008 to address the impacts of freight rail traffic along the region’s major freight rail lines. The freight rail traffic creates increased delays at grade crossings and raises issues of safety and quality of life in those communities where these crossings are located. The study scored and prioritized the grade crossings in terms of need and developed recommendations for addressing issues at the top 10 grade crossings.
  • [2023] FY2021 Freight Concept Development Program Studies
    Two concept development studies were completed as part of this effort: the Berkshire Valley Road Truck Circulation Project in Roxbury, Morris County; and the Port Reading Secondary South Main Street Grade Crossing Elimination Project in Bound Brook, Somerset County.
  • [2023] Regional Active Transportation Plan
    Recognizing the importance of active transportation options such as walking and biking, the NJTPA developed a Regional Active Transportation Plan (ATP) for its 13-county northern and central New Jersey region. While conceptual, the ATP provides a blueprint to create a safe, comfortable, and connected network for walking and biking across the region.
  • [2021] Accessibility and Mobility Strategy Synthesis
    This was an 18-month consultant-supported study that updated the NJTPA’s congestion management process (CMP), a federal requirement. The CMP includes a systematic analysis of the region’s complex travel patterns and transportation system performance, assessing accessibility, mobility, and congestion. Guided by a diverse working group including subregions, partner agencies, and other stakeholders, the study evaluated regional needs according to a variety of performance measures, investigated the impacts of regional needs on disadvantaged or vulnerable populations, and identified a suitable series of strategies which should serve as a foundation for further planning and project development. The study produced maps, charts, lists, and a narrative which can be incorporated into the Long Range Transportation Plan.
  • [2021] Transportation Demand Management and Mobility Plan

    The Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and Mobility Plan identifies regional policies and strategies that will increase traveler choices, mobility, and access, while also minimizing the negative impacts of single-occupant vehicle travel on congestion, air quality, and safety. The plan builds on the groundwork of existing TDM initiatives and regional planning goals.

  • [2020] 2020 Report on the Economic Value of the New York-New Jersey Port Industry
    The NJTPA completed this study in partnership with the Shipping Association of New York & New Jersey and the Council on Port Performance. The study looked at the Port’s impact on a 31-county region in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania as of 2019. 
  • [2020] 2050 Freight Industry Level Forecasts
    The 2050 Freight Industry Level Forecasts Study developed updated information on current and projected freight demand through 2050 for use in the freight planning activities of the NJTPA.
  • [2020] Pilot Freight Concept Development Program

    This consultant activity established a process for advancing regional and local freight initiatives that have been identified through planning studies conducted by NJTPA subregions, planning partners and NJTPA Central Staff—consistent with federal guidelines and the Project Delivery Process implemented by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT). Two pilot projects were completed as part of this initial Program Development and Pilot Study Phase: Dover and Rockaway Rail Realignment Project; Hackettstown Bridge over Drain Weight Restriction Elimination Project.

  • [2019] Freight Rail Industrial Opportunity (FRIO) Corridors Program

    The Freight Rail Industrial Opportunity (FRIO) Corridors Program established a framework for identifying and addressing locations in the NJTPA region that preclude access for national standard rail freight cars (including weight, height and width restrictions).

  • [2019] Passaic River Basin Climate Resilience Planning Study

    A climate resilience planning effort for transportation in the New Jersey portion of the Passaic River Basin, including parts of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, and Union counties, was completed in June 2019.  The purpose of the planning study was to identify adaptation strategies to protect transportation corridors and assets from extreme weather events, including excessive flooding, heat waves and sea level rise. The study consisted of the following activities:  conduct a vulnerability assessment of the area’s transportation system; project future climate risks for the Passaic River Basin; develop adaptation strategies for critical transportation corridors and assets; develop recommended actions and strategies to protect the transportation system from damage and disruption.  The report and appendices are located at the right.

  • [2019] Regional Performance Measures

    The NJTPA worked with its partners to establish regional performance measures that help planners and decision-makers in Northern New Jersey create more effective transportation plans and programs. This effort derives from the federal government’s mandate to State DOTs and MPOs to implement performance-based planning.

  • [2019] Truck Parking Analyses
    Truck parking shortages are local, regional and national safety concerns. NJTPA has identified four types of parking considerations: (1) Federal hours of service (HOS) rest requirements, (2) staging for freight facilities, (3) emergency truck parking, and (4) secure locations where drivers can park their tractors when off-duty. NJTPA continues to identify and assess effective practices to address each of these concerns. The database on HOS related parking facilities is routinely updated in coordination with NJDOT and the MAP Forum members.  The current HOS database can be found in the Freight Activity Locator. NJTPA also continues to hold meetings and webinars on the subject to advance collaborative solutions.
  • [2018] Bicycle and Pedestrian Access to Transit Stations

    NJ TRANSIT, in partnership with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), is proud to announce the completion of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Access to Transit Study. This study is a demonstration of NJ TRANSIT’s commitment to safe and accessible transportation. NJ TRANSIT’s consultant team has produced a full color report that identifies barriers limiting pedestrian and bicycle access to transit stations, at six locations within the NJTPA region. Also included are a series of conceptual designs to improve transit station access and safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and people with disabilities.

  • [2018] Integrated Corridor Management

    The NJTPA participated in Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) planning studies with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) among other regional agencies. Grant funding was provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation under a program to help cities or regions combine numerous information technologies and real-time travel information from highway, rail, and transit operations.

  • [2018] Morris Canal Greenway Study

    This study identifies a continuous route of 111 miles for development of a world-class greenway, including pedestrian and bicycle facilities, along or close to the route of the historic Morris Canal. The greenway route makes connections between all the remaining segments of the original canal towpath. When completed the greenway will provide residents of northern New Jersey a facility for recreation and active transportation. It will also provide a connections between business districts along the route.

  • [2018] Pilot Shared Transportation Services Mobile Data Support
    The NJTPA supports providing the traveling public with timely and accurate information about all transportation mode choices, particularly “shared-ride” alternatives to driving alone. In line with this goal NJTPA completed the Pilot Shared Transportation Services Mobile Application Data Support Project. The objective of the project was to gather data from participating transit providers and develop a General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) of the regional transportation services. The GTFS defines a common format for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information.
  • [2018] PRIME Linkages

    The New Jersey Innovation Institute and NJIT developed an approach to enhancing the NJTPA’s PRIME system for managing findings from regional and partner studies. PRIME Linkages researched “text analytics” techniques that could be added to PRIME in the future. This would enable PRIME to suggest categories and connections among the study findings based on the text that users enter. The study provided useful prototype software and insight into artificial intelligence applications for NJTPA transportation planning.

  • [2017] Alternative Fuel Vehicles Infrastructure

    In 2017, NJTPA partnered with three pilot municipalities—Montclair, Secaucus and Woodbridge—to develop local readiness plans to facilitate the use of electric and natural gas vehicles in those communities. In addition, the pilot municipalities and consultants reviewed analysis of potential high opportunity zones for electric vehicle charging within each town. 

  • [2017] Assessment of System Connectivity on Northern New Jersey
    Assessment of System Connectivity in Northern New Jersey explores how effectively the region’s transportation facilities function together to serve the movement of people and goods. The study considers movements between suburbs in North Jersey and New York City; urban areas in North Jersey; suburban areas north of I-78; suburban areas south of I-78; suburban and urban areas in North Jersey; and rural areas. 
  • [2017] Project Prioritization Criteria Development and Scoring Update

    Federal regulations require that the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) include a list of projects prioritized by the MPO. Projects cannot receive federal funding unless they are included in the TIP, which is updated every two years. 

  • [2016] City of Newark Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan

    This plan is a collaborative effort between the City of Newark and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) with input from stakeholders and the community. The plan's intent is two-fold: to serve as a guide for city staff to prioritize locations of greatest concern and also to inform the public where the city intends to focus its efforts. 

  • [2016] Inventory and Assessment of Waterborne Transportation Resources
    Through this effort, NJTPA developed an up-to-date and accurate inventory of the available sites to support marine transportation in the region.
  • [2016] US 9 Corridor Study

    Managing and Accommodating Growth in Lakewood and Toms River, Ocean County - This study identified a new long-term vision for the roadway that incorporates a two-way left turn lane, shoulders and sidewalks, in a three- or five-lane section within a desired right of way width of 92 feet. This study addressed current traffic safety and roadway capacity issues by recommending implementation of eight site specific low-cost, high-impact improvements, adoption of an Access Management Plan, modifications to bus stops, improvements to traffic signalization, and completion of parallel road networks.

  • [2015] Regional Freight Commodity Profiles

    The project enhanced the NJTPA’s freight modeling tools, addressed gaps in existing freight and industry data, and prepared summary data products, including a set of Regional Commodity Profiles documents.

  • [2015] Together North Jersey Plan

    The Together North Jersey Plan — the first comprehensive plan for sustainable development in North Jersey — was issued in November 2015.

  • [2013] NJTPA Regional Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Plan
    In 2013, the NJTPA prepared a Regional GHG Mitigation Plan, which included an updated on-road transportation GHG emissions inventory and forecast (I&F) and proposed various strategies to reduce GHG emissions from transportation. The strategies were analyzed for their effectiveness, timespan, and cost. They were bundled into four main categories: Enhanced Vehicle Technology and Fuels, Expanded VMT Reduction/Mode Shift Strategies, Improved System Efficiency and a Comprehensive Regional GHG Mitigation Plan. Analysis was done about the impacts of the different bundles, place types and overall emissions. The plan shows that if Plan 2035 and the federal fuel economy standards at the time were implemented, emissions would decrease 34 percent from 2006 levels (22.38 million metric tons) by 2050, but if the strategies recommended in the plan were implemented, emissions could be reduced by 68 percent. 
  • [2013] Rail Freight Capacity and Needs Assessment to Year 2040

    The primary focus of this study were the NJTPA Region’s major freight Corridor Lines as follows: CSX River Line, Conrail Northern Branch, P&H Branch, Conrail Lehigh Line, Norfolk Southern Lehigh Line, and CSX West Trenton Line.

  • [2012] 2040 Freight Industry Level Forecasts

    The primary goal of this project was to develop a clear, accurate and comprehensive picture of regional freight activity, both current and future. The end product is an accurate picture of where concentrations of goods movement activity can be expected to occur in the region in the future, the types of commodities that will be moving, and where strategic investments should be made. The project was conducted for NJTPA by a consultant team of Cambridge Systematics, Inc. with Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB), A. Strauss-Wieder Inc., and the Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research (CUPR). Complete Dec 2012.

  • [2012] Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of New Jersey's Transportation Infrastructure
    This study identified the vulnerability and risk of transportation infrastructure to the impacts of climate change for two regions of New Jersey – the coastal region and the northeast corridor. The study built an inventory of relevant assets and determined which are critical, gathered information about potential climate scenarios, and assessed critical assets' potential vulnerability and resilience. This study involved a partnership of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, the three New Jersey MPOs, NJ TRANSIT, and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
  • [2012] Morris/Warren County Rail Corridor Study

    This study examined the infrastructure and operational improvements necessary to modernize the primary rail freight corridor serving Morris and Warren counties, helping it accommodate taller and heavier cars and generate future economic development. The corridor consists of Norfolk Southern’s Washington Secondary Line between Phillipsburg and Hackettstown in Warren County and NJ TRANSIT’s Morristown Line from Hackettstown to Morristown in Morris County.

  • [2011] Central NJ-Raritan Valley Study

    In April 2011, the NJTPA, in partnership with NJ TRANSIT, completed the Central New Jersey / Raritan Valley Transit Study, an analysis of potential transit improvements along the Interstate 78 (I-78) corridor. This study provides additional analysis of several recommendations made in the I-78 Corridor Transit Study, completed by NJTPA in January 2008.
      Traffic congestion along the I-78 corridor is forecast to worsen, due to future residential and employment growth in New Jersey and in the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania (adjacent to the Study Area). Existing transit services and facilities in the Study Area are limited: the RVL (Raritan Valley Line) rail service extends only to eastern Hunterdon County and rail station and Park-and-Ride facilities convenient to I-78 are at or near capacity. There is demand for additional transit service along the corridor, but the type and scope of investment to improve service will determine how much of that demand can be captured. 

  • [2011] Elizabeth Midtown Multi-Modal Integration Study

    The NJTPA, in partnership with NJ TRANSIT, Union County and the City of Elizabeth, has developed a conceptual station area plan for the "Midtown" Elizabeth station on NJ TRANSIT's Northeast Corridor rail line. The plan is designed to leverage proposed investments in the rail station and transit system, planned redevelopment, and various multi-modal circulation needs to improve a location long-envisioned by the City as a catalyst for downtown revitalization and by NJ TRANSIT as an important regional transit hub. The study was completed in September 2011.

  • [2011] Greater Newark Bus System Study

    This three-year study aimed to improve bus services in the greater Newark area. The study area focuses on Newark, Elizabeth and urban Essex County, but bus service improvements in this core area will positively impact service in Union, Passaic, Bergen and Hudson counties as well.

  • [2011] Hudson County Jitney Study

    This study identified ways to better integrate and regulate jitney operations, and provide for a safer, more efficient transportation service in Hudson County. This analysis and the recommendations that resulted from the study will assist state, county and local policy makers in better integrating jitney services into the overall transportation system. This study built on an analysis completed in the Hudson County Bus Circulation and Infrastructure Study in 2007. This study undertook a more detailed analysis of jitney operations, including a review of interstate and intrastate operating authorities, and research into the legal options of regulating services operated by federally licensed interstate providers. For more information see the Hudson County Jitney webpage. 

  • [2011] Pedestrian Safety at and Near Bus Stops Study

    The study by the NJTPA—in close collaboration with New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, and NJ TRANSIT—sought to improve safety at and around bus stops within the NJTPA region. Its centerpiece was an education campaign plan to raise awareness about safety for both pedestrians and motorists. The study also made engineering, education, and enforcement recommendations through its Bus Stop Safety Toolbox and Bus Stop Field Audit Reports. Bus stop safety design suggestions included both long-term and short-term improvements with bus stop location, pedestrian signage/signals, pavement markings and area illumination considered at specific high pedestrian crash bus stop locations.  

  • [2011] Region-wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Project

    The North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority conducted a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory and forecast (I&F) for the entire NJTPA region. Project goals were to develop a region-side inventory of GHG emissions for a base year; allocate GHG emissions down to the county and municipality level; forecast GHG emissions for calendar years 2020, 2035 and 2050; assist sub-regions in their greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation efforts.

  • [2010] Northwest New Jersey Bus Study

    In December, 2010 the NJTPA and NJ TRANSIT completed a comprehensive needs analysis of bus, shuttle and ridesharing options in a study area that includes large portions of Sussex and Morris Counties, northern Warren County, and western Passaic County. The study findings identify a need for improved service, facilities, and intermodal connectivity in order to provide better commuting options for individuals who live and/or work in the northwestern counties.

  • [2009] Jersey City Bus Study

    The Jersey City Bus Study, completed in November, 2009, evaluated current and future service needs in this growing and public transportation-dependent city. As part of the study, launched in the fall of 2008, public input and various data were analyzed to determine recommendations for bus services and capital improvements that will meet riders’ long-term needs.

  • [2009] Northeast New Jersey Metro Mobility Study

    The NJTPA partnered with NJ TRANSIT to examine the existing bus transit network and service and identify areas of improvement. The study explored options for meeting the current and future needs of residents and employees in Bergen and Passaic Counties.

  • [2009] Quiet Zone Designation in New Jersey: An Informational Guide

    The federal requirement that train horns be sounded at every grade crossing in or near communities nationwide has sparked a number of questions with regard to the establishment of quiet zones. The North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), as northern and central New Jersey's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), has put together an informational quiet zone brochure as a guide to communities throughout the state. 

  • [2008] Freight Rail Grade Crossing Assessment Study

    Phase I of this study, completed in September of 2008, examined a total of 64 crossings on the Lehigh, West Trenton, Chemical Coast, Port Reading Secondary and River rail lines and developed problem statements for the top five grade crossings in most need of improvements. The problem statements contain potential solutions developed for each location and are the first step in developing projects that might become eligible for federal or state funding. The NJTPA Board of Trustees approved an extension of this work to develop problem statements for the next ten grade crossing locations prioritized in terms of needs in the original study. The additional work (Phase II) was completed in August of 2009.

  • [2008] I-78 Corridor Transit Study

    This NJTPA study assessed the need, impact and feasibility of various transit strategies along the I-78 corridor between Lehigh County, Pennsylvania to the west and Somerset County, New Jersey to the east. Phase I of the study addressed bus transit mobility needs through recommendations for bus service and shuttle enhancements, new park and ride locations, and bus priority treatments.

  • [2008] Strategy Evaluation Study

    The NJTPA Strategy Evaluation is conducted periodically to assess how well the region’s transportation meets residents’ needs. The project also generates recommendations for specific strategies and programs to benefit particular areas. The NJTPA long-range transportation plan—Plan 2035—reflects the results of the Strategy Evaluation conducted in 2006-2008.

  • [2008] The Strategy Refinement Study

    The Strategy Refinement study built upon the work done in Strategy Evaluation, the NJTPA's assessment of how the region’s transportation system can best meet residents’ needs. Strategy Refinement identified about 30 project concepts that can be advanced for more detailed study and project development.

  • [2005] Freight System Performance Assessment Study

    This 2005 study assessed the current and future system performance of the North Jersey region freight network. The study included the collection and refinement of freight data from a variety of sources.